Law of Attraction Magazine October, 2015 | Page 32
W oul dn?t you agree not a day goes by that each and
every one of us isn?t forced to rely on that one thing
everyone says we were born with---good old common
sense? Well, I believe that we were all born with
something even more important, something each and
every one of us should be relying on a lot more than we
do---our twice as good and even older cosmic sense.
Our Unconsci ous
Connecti on to th e
Uni v erse
By M argueri te M anni ng
Ll ew el l yn Worl dw i de
Image credit: NASA/ JPL-Caltech
Page 32 - Oct ober, 2015
It?s true. While common sense is the good judgment
we?ve learned to develop by living in this practical
world, cosmic sense is the incredible insight our soul
couldn?t help but develop while struggling to evolve in
the spiritual one. Think of it as that remarkable sense of
deeper understanding that only comes to us through our
higher awareness. When we use it, we?re able to make
sense of the cosmos and our place in it because when
we apply it, we?re actually taking our common
sensibilities to the next level. The highest level. Our
spiritual level. The only level that gives us direct human
access to all the universal know-how that we could
possibly need to fulfill our earthly destiny. Why?
Because it?s the same level of hard-earned spiritual
savvy that?s now available to our soul for fulfilling it?s
own chosen universal purpose. Yes, chosen, because
based on the wisdom of our ancient astrologers (who,
fortunately for us, had enough cosmic sense of their
own) ?by choice? is exactly how we humans come into
this earthly existence. What?s more, because our soul
does the actual choosing before we do, that?s exactly
why those choices are celestially reflected in the
astrological energies of our own natal sky once we get
here. To remind our unconscious soul of its earthly
purpose by bringing every one of those choices into our
conscious awareness. Not a moment too soon either
because with our very first human breath they become
our earthly promises.
The ones that we were
literally born under so
that our soul could be
physically born into.
Good to know,
especially since, in this
particular lifetime,
we?re the ones who
have to live up them.
Is it any wonder then
why the ancients
proclaimed that our
destiny was ?written in
the stars?? Universally