Law of Attraction Magazine October, 2015 | Page 31
will attract money into your lives in various ways.
Most people that like money say they wish they had
more money, but deep in the subconscious mind,
they are repelling opportunity to improve their
situation. It will always be difficult to track money, if
you are negative about it. You can?t attract
something that deep in your heart you despise.
If you want to attract money, you have to get rid of
all the negative thoughts and attitudes towards
Many of us have a poverty consciousness because of
the negative verbal programming that we experienced when we were growing up. We constantly
heard phrases like:
committed and determined.
4) Rich peopl e t hink big. In life, we get what we think
about so if we think small we could only get small if we
learn to think big that's when we start to receive big and
our lives.
5) Rich peopl e f ocus on opport unit ies and they see the
opportunity in every obstacle.
6) Rich peopl e act in spit e of f ear. They also become
afraid, but they don't allow the fear to paralyze them.
Just as we were trained to have a poverty mindset, we
always have the power to retrain ourselves. Once we do
this, we open ourselves to all the abundance that we
deserve and that the universe has waiting for us.
- Money is the root of all evil
- Save your money for rainy day
- Rich people are greedy and are criminals
- Money doesn't grow on trees
- Money doesn't buy happiness
- You can't be rich and spiritual
- Not everyone can be rich
- There's not enough for everyone to go around
These are all the negative statements that we
repeatedly heard over and over that helped to form
our negative poverty mindset.
Just because we may have a poverty consciousness
right now doesn't mean that we are sentenced to a
life of poverty thinking. Once we become aware of
the problem, we can take steps to retrain our minds.
The easiest way to do this is to model those that
have an abundance mindset, so let's look at some of
the ways that rich people think.
Coach Mark shares
the success tips,
tricks, and techniques
of the Millionaires
and Billionaires of the
last 100 years. These
are the same tools
that Coach mark used
to build (2) successful
businesses and retire
before the age of 40.
Listen to Coach Mark in his Power in Half Hour Radio
Show on Law of Attraction Radio Network at coach-mark.
You can stay in contact with coach mark on IG & Twitter
- @coachmarkspeaks ? on facebook at therealmarkstarr
? .
Download his new book for free at
1) Rich peopl e t hink I creat e my l if e. They realize
that them and only them are in control of their lives.
They take responsibility for their lives.
2) Rich peopl e pl ay t he money game t o win. They
understand you have to aim for riches to become
3) Rich peopl e are commit t ed t o being rich. Most
average people would like to be rich but that's not
enough to be rich. To be rich you have to be
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