Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 37
demonstrate that we are love, because love is the core Access what you now are by releasing your
of who we are. It is through our Oneness and our desire doubts and ask the Universe for this - it will be
done. Begin to manifest what you desire. As more
for humanity to experience love, joy, unity,
people do this, it will create frequency wave
understanding and freedom that we can break our
after frequency wave of change, which cannot be
endless cycle of repeating mistakes. I know we each
have a great capacity to discuss our topics of concern, stopped. Being One is all about you, creating
from you, and making what you already have
but we will need to work together to change
humanity's direction. I believe it is important for each real. Being One and gifting love, joy, unity,
understanding and freedom to others, will
of us to understand how and why our actions or
bestow them upon me as well. And for this, I
inactions affect those individuals around us and
thank you.
We must endeavor
to be more
responsive and
concerning our
behaviors and their
effects. As we are all
One, we have the
ability to create
consciously and
intentionally. We
can manifest our
desires, or we can
continue to create unconsciously and continue to be
disappointed with the results. We must each step
outside our self-created box of illusions to make
ourselves who we want to be. One of my aims in life is
to highlight some of society's most harmful behaviors.
Ultimately, I believe our giving of love, joy, unity,
understanding and freedom to others will free us as
individuals and benefit all of humanity. It is only
through our gift of these core drivers to others that we
receive them back into our lives.
This is at the
heart of
being your
Sel f . This is
at the heart
of joy and
freedom for
each of us
and humanity as well.
While this is
not the only
way to peace
and harmony, it is a path that will always work.
Nevertheless, no matter what I have written here,
you must understand it is based upon my
experience, my learning
and my personal opinions.
These are my beliefs. All I
can do is ask you to give
them some consideration
and determine if you agree
or not.
I believe when each of us brings into our reality these Mart in Neil Campbel l is a
core drivers, the effect will change humanity. As grand Business Executive, Author
and Radio Personality on
as that sounds, it cannot be done without you.
However, you are not an island and you are not alone. the Sovereign Sel f Radio Show. Listen to h is
This is how Oneness works to our advantage. Bring into show at and visit his
reality what you are; love, joy, unity, understand- ing Facebook Page at
https:/ / SovereignSelf/
and freedom, and you will be One with all that is.
Page 37 - February, 2016