Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 36

Our Core Dri v ers By M arti n Nei l Campb el l My spiritual belief includes God and we are all a part of God. Whether you believe a certain religion?s teachings about God or promote believing in God is akin to believing in the Easter Bunny, I care not. Your individual beliefs are your own. What I am concerned about is people not being open-minded enough to understanding something new or a differing viewpoint. This has been a root cause of much of humanity's troubles. While I have found people have forgotten we are creative beings, I also believe we are mere shadows of what we may grow to become. To be who we want to be, we must understand we are all One and our gifts for creating what we desire are driven through our entrenching of love, joy, unity, understanding and freedom into everyone's lives. These five items are what I have termed our ?core drivers.?When we forget them, nothing humankind does or achieves on an individual or collective basis endures. Without these core drivers embedded into who we are being, we are doomed to keep repeating our mistakes. People are passionate about listing reasons as to why something cannot change. Our resistance to change holds us back, but we should embrace change. Much of our reluctance to change is driven by the wants of our governments, religions and corporations. However, I have found their wishes seldom match people's desires. What we need now are people willing to put forth ideas about how we as individuals can progress and achieve our common desire for peace and harmony. It is my hope that my various observations about where we show a lack of love will spur us on to Page 36 - February, 2016