Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 38
Manifest ing
Fr om t he Deep Self
By Kelly Howell
If life is a journey, the Deep Self holds the map. It
holds your purpose, potential and gifts. It holds valuable
direction and instruction. It holds your destiny.
The Deep Self is eternal and always present, even if
you don?t pay attention to it. It is your true self, your
soul --your essence. It?s what makes you unique,
valuable and exceptional. We?re often out of touch with
this vast and mysterious part of ourselves. Instead of reaching inward to discover our path, purpose and
potential, the ego leads us outward. We think about what we want, make lists, design a plan, set time lines,
create new habits, and get on the metaphorical treadmill to achieve the goal. When you manifest from the
Deep Self, you don?t need goals. You go inside and engage the mystery. You stay open; you wait and listen
for what wants to come through. Instead of using personal will to force things into being, you allow the Deep
Self to manifest for you.
Life advances in graceful and unexpected ways. What you need comes to you, as if by chance. Synchronicity
abounds, and it feels like you?re on a cosmic conveyor belt. One by one, the pieces click into place. You don?t
need to figure everything out because it all fits together perfectly. Manifesting from the Deep Self begins in
meditation. It starts when thoughts slow down, and you listen to the whispers of your heart.
The Theta state of deep
meditation opens the
gateway to the wisdom of
your Deep Self. Theta is the
brain state where magic
happens in the crucible of
your neurological activity. In
Theta you are in a waking
dream. Receptivity
heightens, and you access
knowledge and insight that
lies beyond conscious
awareness. Mystical
experiences arise out of the
depths of Theta.
Listening to your heart?s
deepest longing is different
Page 38 - December, 2016