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A Road Paver and a leader , a woman with so much class and distinction , this Latina makes you believe in dreams , and dares ’ you to believe in making them come true . Challenges ? Obstables ? Sure – they will always come , normally when you least expect them , but nothing is impossible if you believe , and Irma Elder is the perfect example of that philosophy !
I remember the first time I met this beautiful and classy woman , Mrs . Irma Elder . It was some 5 or 6 years ago , and she had given a speech at a luncheon I attended sharing the story of her life I remember the entire room was enthralled with her words , and I remember that I cried . As I left the event , I was in awe by her strength , her perseverance , and her intelligence but more so by her complete honesty , and how it encouraged me to know that with faith , this amazing woman had proven that there was nothing that could not be accomplished .
Afterward the luncheon , I ran into her outside while waiting for my car , and introduced myself to her . It would be years before I would speak with Irma again , now I am proud to call Irma Elder a very good amiga .
Irma was born in tiny Xicotencalt , Mexico , and raised in Ciudad Victoria . Irma moved to Florida with her family as a teenager speaking little English . Recalling the journey to the United States , Irma remembers coming across the border , and waiting for their train to pass so they could cross to the other side . In Miami , she attended a St . Joseph ’ s Catholic High School .
Irma would later marry James Elder . Irma confessed he was her best
friend , and they had a good marriage . They were married for 20 wonderful years and had 3 wonderful children together .
James Elder died in 1983 . Devastated at losing her best friend , Irma suddenly found herself alone , with a family to support , and a Ford car dealership to run , the grieving widow found herself with a decision to make , sell the struggling business and start over fresh , or take over the reigns ’ of the then-Troy Ford dealership . At the time of the tragedy , her children were in their teens . Gathering her courage , Irma decided to take over the dealership , becoming the first woman to own a Ford dealership in the Detroit area .
Putting her best foot forward , Irma went on to make several key decisions and changes that would pave the road to the success she is today , starting with the simple renaming of her dealership to Elder Ford , followed by buying additional automobile dealerships .
With the Dec . 21 , 2007 , acquisition of Jaguar of Novi , Elder Automotive now has 11 dealerships selling the Ford , Lincoln , Mercury , Jaguar , Land Rover , Aston Martin , Jeep and Saab brands in Michigan and Florida .
It was difficult making the transition from housewife to business owner , but Elder said she simply “ did what had to be done ,” and she drew from her experience as a personal assistant to a Miami auto dealer . “ Also , I contend that you cannot be married to a man for 20 years and not know anything about his business ,” she said .
It ’ s a decision that ensured the economic future of her growing family and the community . Today the
Troy resident ’ s business , Elder Automotive Group , employs 400 people across the U . S . A . the face of one of the area ’ s largest networks of automobile dealerships Irma Elder ’ s life story and business acumen have become legendary .
“ I love a challenge ,” Irma confesses . “ It ’ s fascinating . In the automobile business , there isn ’ t one day that ’ s like the other one . And that ’ s very interesting in and of itself . I love taking care of the customers , and I love working with our people .”
These days , Elder divides her time between Oakland County , and a winter home in Miami , Florida . Sons Tony and Robert mostly run the family business , yet Elder says she enjoys working too much to stop .
“ When the time comes for me to retire , I want to be sure that ( my sons ) are able to run things ,” she said . “ So I ’ ve been kind of stepping back and letting them run things . But I ’ m not going to retire . And I don ’ t think they want me to retire .”
Today , Elder Automotive Group is a $ 700 million dollar company .
What is your full name ? Irma Elder What is your Pais ? Mexico What is your profession ? CEO – Elder Automotive Group
Latin Times : What was the biggest challenge you have encountered in your life – and how have you overcome it ? Irma Elder : I was very happily married to my husband of 20 years . It was a fairy tale life . I would have to say it was the death of my husband and best friend , and also the death of my parents . Those were both very difficult times for me . When I lost my husband , I had to be strong for the children , for the business and for me , my life changed forever after that .
Latin Times : How do you get past the tough days that life occasionally hands us all ? Irma Elder : By taking it one day at a time , and having faith in God .
Latin Times : Please tell us about your family Irma Elder : They are very loving . I have three wonderful children , 2 boys , and a daughter , plus 5 beautiful grandchildren , and I have 3 sisters -4 girls all together , and all of us are different , and I have an older brother . ( I had 2 more brothers that died ) Most of my family lives in the area of South Florida .
Latin Times : Who ( here or departed ) do you consider to be a Latino / Hispanic role model for you , and why ? Irma Elder : My mother , she was a very strong woman , and she taught me to have good strong moral values , that I still carry with me today . She also taught me determination and self discipline , and to be a good person .
Latin Times : What is your favorite Latino dish ? Irma Elder : I love Mole !
Latin Times : What are some of your immediate goals ? Irma Elder : To live my life as a good person , and to enjoy as much of it as I can .
As we wrapped up on our interview , Irma and I took a moment to pray together thanking God for the opportunity to share her story with you .