When I think of strong Latin women , I cannot help but think of Gloria Estefan ! I can still clearly remember Gloria back in the 80 ’ s when I was growing up her talent was only overshadowed by her incredible strength and courage when she had her horrible bus accident . With a career that spans decades , Gloria has not only paved roads for young aspiring Latino singers and song writers , but has also overcome tremendous challenges in life .
Her roots are 90 miles away from where she lives . But she also holds them very close to her : in her heart . Gloria Estefan , a pop music superstar both in English and in Spanish , has never forgotten the island she came from .
Gloria Estefan was born Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo García on September 1 , 1957 in Havana , Cuba . Her maternal grandfather , Leonardo Garcia , immigrated to Cuba from Pola de Siero , Asturias , Spain , where he married Gloria ’ s maternal grandmother , originally from Logroño , Spain .
Prior to the Cuban Revolution , Gloria ’ s father was a Cuban soldier and a bodyguard to Cuban dictator , Fulgencio Batista . The Fajardo family fled to Lafayette , Indiana as a result of the Cuban Revolution , eventually settling down in Miami , Florida .
At the age 18 , this music lover was invited to sing at a wedding with a local band called Miami Latin Boys . The gathering , in which she would meet the group ’ s young leader , Emilio Estefan , would mark the beginning of a radical change in her life .
Today , Gloria is a very successful singer , songwriter and actress , and is in the top 100 best selling music artists with over 90 million albums sold worldwide . With a career that spans decades , Gloria has won seven Grammy Awards and is considered the most successful crossover performer in Latin music to date .
An icon for Latinos the world over , Gloria has stayed true to her Latina roots .
To read more , please visit us online at : Latin-Times . com
Name / Nombre : Gloria Marie Estefan What is your profession : Singer / Songwriter What is your Pais ? Cuban American
Jolie Gonzalez / Latin Times : What was the determining factor in choosing your career ? Gloria Estefan : I like to think that I didn ’ t choose my career … but rather it chose me . Growing up , I would never have imagined myself on stage performing to massive audiences . I was painfully shy and cringed even at the thought of performing for my family and friends in our living room , never mind on a world stage . My grandmother always believed that I had a gift that I would share with the world . I always loved to sing , but never considered that it would be a career .
It took my meeting Emilio to take a “ hobby ” of mine ( singing ) and turn it into what it has now become .
Jolie Gonzalez / Latin Times : What was the biggest challenge you have encountered in your life – and how have you overcome it ? Gloria Estefan : I ’ ve experienced many challenges throughout my life but I believe that I ’ ve learned and grown as a woman by each of those experiences . As a child , I left Cuba with my mother when I was two . We came to America and started a new life having left my father and our family behind . Many years later , when my father returned from Vietnam , and was sick , it was a daily challenge to care for him , until the end when the disease took his life .
Of course , one of the biggest challenges in my life that most people are familiar with was the paralyzing bus accident in 1990 . I had to learn , all over again , basic functions in life that we take for granted . Something as simple as putting on your underwear was something that I could no longer do for myself . Prayer and positive energy that I received from my family , my friends and my fans from around the world is truly what inspired me to overcome the greatest challenge of my life . Which was to simply put one foot in front of the other and walk again . Not only did I walk again ... but one year and three months to the date of that paralyzing accident after a lot of hard work and dedication I performed on stage . It was a euphoric moment that will forever be engrained in my mind .
Jolie Gonzalez / Latin Times : How do you get past the tough days that life occasionally hands us all ? Gloria Estefan : “ fame ” or being a “ celebrity ” doesn ’ t shield you from life ’ s everyday challenges . It doesn ’ t matter how much money you have , or how “ famous ” one might be ... we all face challenging aspects in life . I wake up each morning and am thankful for the fortune of good health that I and my family experience . That ’ s the ‘ cake ’ ... the rest as they say is ‘ icing .’ After the bus accident , I learned not to sweat the small stuff . Be thankful for what life has given you and make the best of it . That ’ s my mantra !
Jolie Gonzalez / Latin Times : Please tell us about your family
Gloria Estefan : How much time do I have ? My family is my rock . We stand by each other in “ good times ” and “ the not so good times .”
My mother is definitely the matriarch of our family . .. she is an inspiration to everyone who meets her . She is a living testament when we talk about someone who has overcome obstacles in life . . . . . My husband Emilio has been in my life for over 33 years . My life partner who has shared my dreams , my fears , my successes and my failures . My two incredible “ only ” children , Nayib and Emily are the sole purpose of my being . They inspire me each and every day .
Jolie Gonzalez / Latin Times : Who ( here or departed ) do you consider to be a Latino / Hispanic role model for you , and why ? Gloria Estefan : I had many women in my life as I was growing up that I consider role models . My mother ’ s mother ( my abuela ) was such a strong woman , she supported me in every way . . . and was a great inspiration . My mother of course , as I ’ ve mentioned , is , and always will be one the greatest role models I know .
I had the great fortune in my life to meet and work with Celia Cruz . Her music and her spirit continue to inspire me . I am proud to have called her ‘ my friend .’