esperanza roadcontinuación
The Healing Hand of Faith …
By : Victor Padilla

Jesus was walking with a crowd who surrounded him when there was a woman who had an issue of blood ( Hemorrhaging ) for twelve years , this woman knew that all she had to do was touch the very edge of his cloak , and she would be healed .

The woman had to struggle through the crowd to reach Jesus , finally when she was close enough ; she reached out and touched his cloak , instantly she was healed . Jesus stopped right then turned around and looked through the crowd and asked , “ Who touched me ?” Someone
touched me ! Jesus had felt the supernatural power of healing leave his body . The woman knowing what she did came and fell at Jesus feet and confessed what she had done , Jesus then looked at her and said , “ Daughter your faith has healed you , go in peace , and be freed from your suffering ”.
When we are suffering through things in our lives , whether they be physical , financial , or through our family , just praying without faith is not enough and faith without works is dead ! We have to sift through the crowd of obstacles and get through to Jesus , once you reach him through earnest prayer , getting on your knees and putting your faith into action , the possibilities are countless . Now faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen . If you have faith , determination , motivation , and action , nothing can stop you from accomplishing the miraculous !
Hebrews 11:1 , Mark 5 : 24-33
I ’ m a true believer that people are placed in your life for a reason .
Some people come into your life for a short period of time , while others come and stay for a life time .
Some people bring you peace , love and happiness , and others bring nothing but pain and disappointment . Some people come into your life and help you emotionally , physically or even financially while others come into your life and drain you emotionally , physically or financially .
I have always thought of myself as a very strong person , not only emotionally , but physically and financially as well , but with so many life changing situations chipping away at you throughout the years , “ life ” sometimes wears you down . I have always been proud to be in a position to be able to help the people in my life , and I never thought I would be in a situation where I would be the one in need !
It is at those times , when you are at a point of feeling beatenup that we need someone to say


Guardian Angel

By : Maritza Ruiz
“ hey I ’ m not going to let you fall down ”, that voice of encouragement that makes you STAY there and encourages you to get up , all the while reminding you “ I ’ m here for you !”
It was during my “ difficult time ” in life , that I believe God sent me my GUARDIAN ANGEL and her name is Mrs . Noelene Dobson .
I met Noelene as a potential QuickBooks client over a year ago to train and assist her with her needs , however throughout this past year we have become close friends as well . Noelene has lived a difficult life but throughout it all she did not allow this to change her into a bitter and hateful person , instead her difficult times only served as lessons instead . Noelene has taught me so much it ’ s hard to verbalize . She has been there for me when no one else wanted to , or could be there for me . She provided me with her wisdom and love . She is a true friend , and a blessing not only in my life , but in the lives of all people that she comes in contact with .
To Mrs . Noelene Dobson , THANK YOU for being there for me and my family ! I wanted the world to know that despite all the bad stuff going on in the world today , we still have true , beautiful , loving and caring
people in this world . Noelene Dobson you truly are my Guardian Angel !! Thank you !!

Inspiraciones En Cristo

“ Osvaldo Figueruelo es un autor nacido en Cuba en 1969 . Desde temprana edad , destacó su capacidad para escribir poemas e historias . Su fe en Cristo fué inculcada en un principio por sus padres y familia en su niñez , pero esta fe , tomó fuerza y vida propia en los últimos años al llegar un mayor entendimiento en su interior y al verse expuesto a todo tipo de denominaciones cristianas , diferentes ministerios , así como otras experiencias que lo marcaron como la película The Passion Of The Christ , en su búsqueda espiritual . Todo esto llevó a Osvaldo a desarrollar finalmente una relación personal con su salvador Jesucristo mas allá de doctrinas o tendencias religiosas . Esta colección de trabajos lleva como título Inspiraciones en Cristo porque eso es precisamente lo que es . En cada página Osvaldo trasmite pasión , respeto y un amor desbordado hacia Jesucristo , y espera contagiar al lector con un mensaje positivo y de esperanza , así como de confianza en Aquel que es La luz del mundo .”
Info : YouTube . com , search Osvaldo Figueruelo .