My Full Surrender ….
Latin Times / Jolie Gonzalez : As Florida is affected by the rise in Job losses , business losses , home losses and families breaking up . What can you say to that person that is feeling so devastated about all their losses , about hanging on ? Pastor Joel Osteen : I would just encourage them to know that God is with us in the tough times that he is in control , and that if we can just make up our minds that we will not get bitter and that we are not going start to looking at what ’ s wrong , but if we can get up every day and say , “ God I thank you for the gift of this day .” I believe when you stay in faith that ’ s what allows God to turn negative situations around .
My main thought to them is just to know that God has them in the palm of his hand , it is not a surprise where they are right now , so know that we ’ re praying for them and many other people are as well .
I love the fact that God promises that he will not only bring us out , but he will bring us out better off than before .
Latin Times / Jolie Gonzalez : Seeing all the disasters that have taken place in the earth lately , a lot of people believe that the year 2012 is the end . How do feel about that ? Pastor Joel Osteen : You know , I don ’ t know . I don ’ t get really worried or caught up in it , I just know that I believe that nothing will snatch us out of God ’ s hands like he said , so if we keep being our best each day than we won ’ t go till it ’ s our time .
Some of that I don ’ t know that I understand it all , but I know that every day we are supposed to be our best right where we are ,
Let ’ s try to be a blessing to somebody each day , and when we do that God will take care of us and always see us through .
Latin Times / Jolie Gonzalez : What advice would you to give people that are interested in starting their own Ministry and that feel the calling of God ? Pastor Joel Osteen : I would encourage them to just take a step of faith , and let God open those doors . To just be faithful where you are , don ’ t wait to have a big church to preach in before you start ministering . Go down to a senior citizens home or to a young people ’ s group , if you ’ ll use your gifts where you are that ’ s how you will develop them and get better and better and I believe God rewards that faithfulness .
Latin Times / Jolie Gonzalez : I want to tell you about our new website , which is

Pastor Joel Osteen

Senior Pastor , Lakewood Church – Houston Texas
“ MyCityofHope . Org ” this is a website that will – we hope , instill HOPE in people that are so desperately in need of it . We want to develop the site so that people will read about spiritual people like you all the time , and stream in your videos as well . We feel that you are such a huge part of that inspiration to us ! I want to invite you to be a part of that with us ? Pastor Joel Osteen : Thank you it will be my pleasure and my honor and I appreciate what you all are doing . We do love the Hispanic / Latino community , we have so many of them back at home , and a big Spanish service with Marcus Witt and we just appreciate your heart to help other people .
Know that we are behind you and we are going to keep praying for you .
To view the complete interview , please visit our website today at : Latin-Times . com Or to view the LIVE video of this interview , please
visit our YOUTube channel : Latin Times TV

My Full Surrender ….

How to conquer fear and stress ….
By : Jolie R . Gonzalez
During times of war , the word surrender means that you have been conquered and that you “ give-up ”.
It means that you are conceding to being the loser of the war .
However in relation to GOD the word surrender means something completely different .
In both instances , you are letting go and admitting “ defeat ” but while in the one instance you have been conquered , in the other , you have been saved .
Surrendering our lives and will into the loving hands of God is not an easy thing to do for some people , because many of us have issues with control and surrendering means that you are no longer in control and yet it ’ s this “ surrendering ” of our lives to God by which we truly win !
Surrendering your life to God means that you are giving up being in control . It means you are letting go of everything in your life to HIM , letting go of the worry , letting go of the fear , and letting go of the stress in your life , it means that you are placing everything in God ’ s loving hands , and that you trust him to bring you through it , regardless of how bad things look !
I have gone through very difficult times in my life by keeping unshakable faith in God , but letting go of my control – and surrendering to him . These were days that were so dark , and so scary – so seemingly without hope that without my surrender to God , I would not have survived , I certainly could not have thrived , and yet since I remained strong in my resolution through the power of prayer , I not only survived my trial ( s ), but in fact I came out of them all the better . And , here I am thriving , better than I was ----when in fact , everyone , and everything said it would be impossible !
Now , when something bad happens in my life as it will sometimes do , I thank God for being with me through the trail , and thank HIM , in advance for bringing me through it .
As when we were children and were cared for by a parent or guardian is as it is with our heavenly father as adults , when we surrender to him , GOD will provide a way .
IF you trust in him , and keep your FAITH , then ALL things are possible .
Jesus said “ if you have faith as a mustard seed , you will say to this mountain , move from here to there , and it will move ; and nothing will be impossible for you ” [ Matthew 17:20 , Luke 17:6 ]. Jesus promises “ it will move ” [ Matthew 17:20 ]; “ it will be done ” [ Matthew 21:21 ]; it “ shall come to pass ” [ Mark 11:23 ]; and it will “ obey you ” [ Luke 17:6 ].
God Bless YOU !