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Pregnancy & Lower Back Pain

You ’ re pregnant ! Congratulations ! Your body ’ s changing — wondrously , marvelously . One unexpected and unwelcome change may be lower back pain . Recent studies suggest that two-thirds of pregnant women experience lower back pain .

These statistics seem reasonable . The weight of the growing baby plus the weight of the placenta and amniotic fluid , create an unbalanced load in front of the lower back . The result is irritation of spinal ligaments , muscles , and tendons , causing pain , muscle spasm , and loss of mobility .
Of course , some cases of pregnancy-related back pain have specific medical causes . Uncommon conditions such as pregnancy-associated osteoporosis , septic arthritis , and inflammatory arthritis may need to be considered .
That said , the vast majority of cases of back pain in pregnancy are mechanical in origin .
This past month , my wife gave birth to a healthy 8-lb baby boy . She experienced minimal discomfort throughout her pregnancy while undergoing regular Chiropractic care . Additionally , she was able to quickly recover and return to her regular activities .
Adjusting women throughout pregnancy is one of the most rewarding parts of our work , because a healthier pregnancy means an easier labor and delivery , and a better transition for the baby into this life .
Your chiropractic doctor will perform a complete examination and determine the correct course of treatment , if appropriate . Once you ’ re feeling better , you can begin stretching and doing safe , gentle exercises that will help prevent recurrences of lower back pain . The goal is to strengthen your lower back and minimize the mechanical effects of pregnancy .
The best method of preventing back pain in the first place is being fit . This includes healthy nutrition , gaining a moderate amount of weight , and regular exercise . Your obstetrician will likely recommend vitamin and iron supplements and will monitor your weight . The average healthy woman gains between 25 and 35 lbs during the course of her pregnancy .
Let ’ s fast forward a few years . Your newborn is now a toddler . Parents know that if you have kids , stuff happens . You bend over to place a bulky car seat in your car . Then you place your child in it . And then , you bend over to remove the car seat from your car . If you ’ ve gone to the mall , kids want Daddy or Mommy to carry them . Pick them up , cart them around put them down again .
What ’ s a parent to do ? It ’ s not like you can avoid any of these activities . Your kids are kids - it ’ s up to you to do stuff for them . The answer lies in regular exercise . “ But how will I find time to exercise , when it ’ s hard enough to find the time to do the things I need to do ?”
That ’ s a tough question , but if you recognize the benefits , you ’ ll make the effort to make the time . Forty-five minutes or an hour per workout , three or four times a week , will be plenty . And , once you ’ re in the habit of exercising , you ’ ll notice it ’ s easier to lift your kids , easier to bend over , easier to carry them . It ’ s easier because you ’ re fitter , stronger and healthier . And , surprisingly , you ’ re having more fun !
In Good Health , Dr . Brian Caez
* For more information on how to reduce stress and live well through Chiropractic . Please contact Dr . Brian Caez : 813.872.4455 or AskElChiroMan @ Latin-Times . com | Or visit www . drcaez . com and sign up for Award Winning Newsletter !
f all of the clients I have represented in my practice , the most heart

Obreaking cases are the clients that are arrested for driving offenses and they are illegal Aliens . The Arizona immigration law has brought to light the dilemma that our Latino people who are in this country illegally face . For the most part they are hard working , respectful and God-fearing people who are just trying to make a living for their families . Usually , their intentions are to work in this country for a certain amount of time and return to their country . While they are here , many of them start driving without a license or they obtain a valid Driver ’ s License from another state . The latter group who originally obtain a valid Driver ’ s License cannot renew them because they do not have the proper documentation to establish that they are legally in this country . The former do not even try to obtain a license at all . There is no question that their actions of driving without a valid Driver ’ s license are illegal . However , the penalties they face are extremely harsh . What occurs to many of these people is that once they are detained for a simple driving infraction the arresting agency contacts the Immigration department which holds them indefinitely until they are deported .

I have been able to help many of these people stay out of jail with the help of compassionate State Attorneys and Judges . But the fact of the matter is the majority of these people who are arrested will be deported . At that time , they are separated from their wives and children and the dream of sending money back home to their families is over . It is important that we as Latinos unite to force Washington , state and local agencies to reform these immigration laws .
I saw a great movie that was released in 2004 called “ A day without a Mexican ”. This movie alarmed me as well as educated me . The economic impact that illegal aliens have in this country is astounding . Vocations such as agriculture , construction , restaurants , domestic servants and other assorted industries could not efficiently run without these people . We owe illegal aliens a great debt .
For the most part they have contributed greatly to our society . If you know any illegal aliens that have gotten into trouble with the law please call me . These people deserve excellent legal representation despite the fact that they are here illegally . I was born in Cuba and I am a refugee to this country . I know what chasing the “ American Dream ” means . I have been very fortunate . This country has given me and my family a lot and for that I am grateful . However , those people who have come to this country seeking the same “ American Dream ” that I was granted , deserve that our government reform its immigration laws .
Contact me . I can help you with your criminal and personal injuries problems regardless of your immigration status in this country .
Attorney Pedro G . Velez , Jr . Law Office of Pedro G . Velez , JR . 314 E . Harrison Street . Tampa , Florida 33602 Phone : ( 813 ) 209-9800 Preguntas : AskElAbogado @ Latin-Times . com