Horoscope Highway

By : La Chica A ' Divina
Places To Check Out !
Born Feburary 19 , 1967 - Known for his dark intensity and idiosyncratic performances , Benicio Del Toro became one of Hollywood ’ s more unique actors . His looks suggesting a hidden background as Wednesday Addams ’ hunky older brother , he first became known to film audiences in 1995 with his breakthrough performance in The Usual Suspects . Born in Santurce , Puerto Rico , in 1967 , Del Toro was the son of lawyers . His mother died when he was nine , and , four years later , his father moved the family to Mercersberg , PA , where they lived on a farm . While attending the University of California at San Diego , where he was working toward a business degree , Del Toro took an acting class and was soon hooked .
Aries ( March 21-April 19 ) You will enjoy some intense chemistry with algien Nuevo este mes !! Settling down is probably the last thing on your mind , so try not to lead them on . Rams in long-term relationships expect their partners to live up to their promesas , pero be sure to practice what you preach – your partner won ’ t go for you being an hipocrita !
Taurus ( April 20-May 20 ) Celos are a problem for you these days ! Que pasa Taurus ? Calmate . It ’ s important to get the real story from your partner rather than believing “ Fulano de Tal !” You have a tendency to rush into things these days ., piensalo bien .
Gemini ( May 21 – June 21 ) Romance is on the horizon for the jemelos ! An unexpected surprise from a secret admirer could be exciting , but if you are currently attached , your dedication to a current partner settles you down a bit .
Cancer ( June 22-July 22 ) Whether attached or unattached , you ’ re likely to become disenchanted with your current marital status this month , pero don ’ t do anything hasty – take your tiempo when making major decisions concerning your career or love life .
Leo ( July 23-Aug 22 )
You ’ re quite alluring this month , so be prepared to receive an invitation from a “ pretediente !” Although you see nothing wrong with flirting to pass the time , your friendliness is bound to be misunderstood .
Virgo ( Aug . 23-Sept 22 )
Pay attention to what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you , especially if it ’ s about una persona or relacion that is importante in your life . This is a strange month for you , expect the last day of the month to be both strange and interesting .
Libra ( Sept . 23-Oct . 23 )
You love to pamper your partner , even if the favor is not return right away , be patient you will soon be rewarded . Your career is about to take a turn for the better , opportunities 813.901.5292 present themselves be prepared to take advantage of them .
Scorpio ( Oct . 24-Nov . 21 ) You have a killer month ahead of you ! A matchmaking friend sends you straight into the arms of that cutie pie you ’ ve had your eye on . The new romance lasts as long as you want it to , the ball is in your court , take charge .
Sagittarius ( Nov . 22-Dec 21 ) You are mysterious and alluring to people this month , so preparate , you may get an enticing invitation or proposition from a total stranger . The adventurer in you says YES ! YES to amor y romance , but the chicken in you craves stability rather than fireworks . Oh well !
Capricorn ( Dec . 22-Jan 19 ) Your sudden friskiness is likely to scare off someone who isn ’ t used to affectionate behavior . An old lover enters the picture , creating confusion for you regardless of whether you ’ re currently attached or still holding the torch for your old flame . Confronting your feelings rather than running away from them is the only way to handle your emotions .
Aquarius ( Jan . 20-Feb 18 ) You have a tendency to be attached to people who
are a bit dark y misteriosos , but the intrigue is likely to wear off if you can ’ t figure them out . If you ’ re in a relationship , focus on being the best partner you can be – if you aren ’ t seeing anyone during this timeframe , however , it could be because your standards are a bit too high !
Pisces ( Feb 19-March20 ) Why wait to express your feelings for someone ? There is no better time to admit you have a crush or to say ‘ I love you ’ for the first time ! Of course , being a little more spontaneous couldn ’ t hurt your relationship !
Places To Check Out !
Latin ConneXions Anniversary Fiesta !
Friday , April 7th 2006 is our Birthday Bash . Don ' t miss this exciting evening . Performing LIVE that evening don ' t miss Clara Salsa , a 12 piece Orchesta ! 1st . Friday is held on the 1st . Friday @ Mirage - 3605 W . Hillsborough Ave ( Tampa ). VERY limited exhibitor space please call us at ( 813 ) 901-5292 for info .
Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura !
Latin Times Mar Apr to size 20
3 / 9 / 06 , 8:37 AM