Latin Times Magazine Summer 2017 | Page 8

Award-winning journalist and co-anchor of “Noticiero Uni- vsion” María Elena Salinas will be inducted into the Na- tional Association of Broad- casters (NAB) Broadcasting Hall of Fame at the 2017 NAB ShowTelevision Luncheon on Monday, April 24 in Las Vegas. Salinas began her journalism career in 1981 as a reporter, anchor and public affairs host at Univision’s KMEX-34 in Los Angeles. Her daily reporting to the growing Hispanic commu- nity in Southern California led to her joining Jorge Ramos as co-anchor of the national Span- ish language news program “Noticiero Univision” in 1987. In 2015, Salinas received a Pea- body Award, Walter Cronkite Award, an Emmy and Gracie for her documentary special "Entre el abandono y el re- chazo" (Between Abandonment and Rejection), a prime-time report on the exodus of Central American children to the Unit- ed States. In 2016, she was the recipient of the Mickey Leland Humanitarian award, and in 2012, she became the first Lati- na to receive an Emmy Award for Lifetime Achievement from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. “María Elena Salinas is an out- standing example of the pro- found effect broadcast televi- sion can have on the audiences it serves,” said NAB Executive Vice President of Television Marcellus Alexander. “María L atin T imes M agazine www .L atin -T imes . com has a deep connection to the needs of the Latino communi- ty, and she represents their in- terests on and off the screen.” In addition to her journalism career, Salinas has served as the spokeswoman for the Na- tional Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Offi- cials (NALEO) for nearly two decades during their campaign to increase Latino voter en- gagement. NALEO assists im- migrants with the American citizenship process, including registering to vote and partici- pating in politics. For her work with the organization, she has been recognized by Nation- al Organization for Women, Mexican-American Legal De- fense and Educational Fund, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, among oth- ers. Salinas was also honored with the Ruben Salazar Award for Communications from the National Council of La Raza. Legendary executive producer and writer Chuck Lorre joined the Hall of Fame in 2016. Pre- viousNAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame television inductees in- clude Shonda Rhimes, “Every- body Loves Raymond,” “Amer- ican Idol,” Betty White, Garry Marshall, “Meet The Press,” Bob Newhart, “The Tonight Show,” “Sat urday Night Live,” Ted Koppel, “M*A*S*H,” “60 Minutes,” “The To- day Show,” and “Star Trek. Read more: A braza el calor de tu cultura !