LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 3rd QTR 2007 VOLUME 5 No 5 | Page 19


You ’ re a little girl no longer ... but you ’ re not a woman yet . You will soon turn 15 , a magical and wonderful age in which dreams intertwine with reality . It ’ s a special time for parents to see their daughter bloom as a spring bud and for the young woman to go out into the world , happy and enthusiastic about starting a new stage full of expectations and dreams . For all those reasons , when this moment arrives , it ’ s time to celebrate !
Although it ’ s true that times have changed , and with them , some customs , the 15th birthday continues to be unlike any other custom . Some still follow their mothers ’ traditions and make their society debut , with beautiful and very glamorous gowns ; others prefer to go out dancing with a group of close friends . There are not any definitive rules . The only thing you must do is enjoy the moment to the max .
Organizing a party seems like a very difficult task , but there is no need for that . Telemundo and Alteration & Creations Boutique will soon launch an area Quinceañera promotion . Do not miss Telemundo ’ s new show Quinceañera every Saturday at 7pm .
What young Latina female has not dreamed about shining like a princess on her fifteenth birthday ? Alteration & Creations Boutique and Bridal and Telemundo are launching a promotion that will award prizes to Tampa Bay quinceañeras . Prizes include dresses and the rental of classic black tuxedos on the day of the quinceañera party . Alteration & Creations Boutique and Bridal and Telemundo Tampa are partnering for this special contest where three local girls will win the opportunity to make their quinceañera the fairytale of which they have always dreamed ! To participate in the contest , write to Telemundo Tampa , letting them know why your daughter , sister , granddaughter , niece or someone special to you should be selected to win the grand prize .
Send your entries by mail to Sandra Sandoval , Telemundo Tampa , 402 N Reo Street , Tampa , Fl . 33609 or e-mail them to ssandoval @ zgsgroup . com .