Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 6 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank V4i6 Mindfulness | Page 15

Google Forms. Students journaled how they felt by filling in the blanks. “After doing yoga, I feel ___. I feel this because ___.” After doing yoga, I feel good. I feel this because my blood is drifted by yoga. After doing yoga, I feel clean. I feel this because body stretch and big breath. After doing yoga, I feel power fell out. I feel this because i omitted it from the state that i laid emphasis on at a stretch. Using Google Forms, I coded the words students used and the number of times they were used. Of the 1008 entries, students used the words “relax” 205 times. See below for more information. Relax 205 Good /Great 180 Fun/interesting 101 Happy 60 Awake /Waking up 33 Enjoy 70 There were also negative words used: Difficult /hard 210 Tired 186 and words that could not be coded as either: Nothing/so-so 8; Hot 170 While it’s overly simplistic to say that there were more positive words than negative words, overall the data showed positive results. Now you try! I am not the only English teacher at the university level who has tried this. In fact, I was inspired to bring yoga in to my classroom based off of this study! Thanks, Steve Jugovic, for starting it all! I am giving you all of my materials, which can be easily adjusted. My students were low-levels English users, so feel free to modify accordingly. Before you try this unit with your students, my best advice is to try it yourself. I don’t necessarily mean that you need to go looking for a group lesson at the local gym or studio and join it as soon as possible. There are a lot of qualified yoga instructors who offer lessons online. Even better, here is a You Tube yoga lesson that you can do AT YOUR DESK! At this point, you already know the benefits.