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A STORY He had two arms,two legs and a head as the others have.Then what was the disgusting thing that had made him exclude from the others. Then he went to his mum and told her what had happened.Her mum got the blues. -Mum,why nobdoy talks to me? -―When you grow up,you‘ll underdand‖ was mum answer.Yes he has grown up under this situation.He had to fight with his friends at school.The reason for the fight;one of the schoolboy told him that he wouldnt get a good status in society by getting education at school and so the fight had started. Sinem Saper Zile Fen Lisesi-Turkey “ Geography is destiny” İbn Haldun This is another incident.A woman on tram started to yell at him and froced him to get off the tram.This and many other incidents had happened. He did not get the answer to any question he asked. He was growing up, but he still did not un- derstand why people tagged him. He could not see any difference between him and the others but the other people always saw a difference. This world, the sects didn‘t have a free hand, the races didn‘t compete with each other, there was no difference between black and white.You would probably say what happened to our little friend! He couldn‘t go to school and and nobody em- ployed him.Actually he found a few jobs at the beginning which are suitable to himself but he was dismissed He could not find the answer to the question. Really! What was difference! Was it the color, race, sect?It was clear that people like him can‟t hange his skin color,race I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU Sect as Ibn Khaldun said, "Geography is fate." But you can get rid of your molds in your head. e start to say something by telling I Anyway, my little buddy, who did not find work have a story to telly you.Yes,I also at the end, made what people want to do it. have something to tell you.The story of my hero just started when he tried to make Theft: He bacame a thief.The people were calling friends in the park.At that time he hadn‟t him as “thief” Nobody thought the reason for understood why his friend was taken away by his it.Actually the recation of the people was the thing mum.He looked at himself but he couldn‟t see any that draged him to be a thief. differences from the others. W 26