Lapid Volume #111, May 2014 | Page 5

JEWISH IDENTITY IN INDIA Jews and Jewishness in India: Living evidence By Remona Divekar – Chavera from WIZO India Federation A large democratic nation like India is characterized by diverse religious beliefs, faiths and practices. The Constitution of India declares Freedom of religion as a fundamental principle. India, a predominantly Hindu country of more than a billion people has approx. 130 million Muslims, 25 million Christians and less than 5,000 Jews. Judaism was one of the first foreign religions to arrive in India where Indian Jews are a religious minority, but unlike many parts of the world, the Jewish people have lived in India without any instances of anti-Semitism from the majority Hindu population. Nevertheless, the Jews in India are happy souls and they live in complete security and have been accorded an honorable place in the social hierarchy. Jews have added a culturally different religious flavor to India. They combine many of their ancient Israelite customs with traditional Indian lifestyle, and have created a rich culture all of their own. The Jews of India live in harmony with the Indian people and discovered that the Hindu religion is tolerant of their beliefs and practices allowing them to preserve their own distinct cultural heritage for centuries. Beginning of ‘Jewishness’ With the arrival of the British East India Company in 1674, Mumbai was transformed into a bustling metropolis with enormous opportunity for social mobility. With Western influence, the Bene Israel Jews were introduced to the more traditional Jewish practices and many members of this community rose to prominence. They held influential positions in Bombay, Kochi and Calcutta; Governors, Major Generals and businessmen. They served as officers in the British Indian Army and gained senior positions in Telegraph, Railways, Ports and the medical profession. They were less affected than other Indians by the colonial racially-discriminatory policies. They obtained better paying posts in the British Army in comparison to their non-Jewish neighbors. At that time many of the Europeans who had settled in India persecuted Jews or attempted to convert them, nevertheless a large majority granted the Jews a chance at economic prosperity and freedom. Our roots The Bene Israel (“Children of Israel”) is a community of Jews in India, believed to have been one of the Lost Tribes. They trace their history in the city of Mumbai to more than 1600 years ago and their presence in India back to over nearly 2,000 years after a shipwreck stranded seven Jewish families from Judea in a region south of Mumbai. The accepted oral tradition is that the forefathers were sailing in a commercial ship from the Land of Israel to India who fled in 175 B.C.E. from the Syrian-Greek ruler Antiochus Epiphanes, were ship wrecked at Navgaon near the port of Cheul on the Konkan Coast, 30 miles South of Bombay. Only14 people survived. They swam towards the shore and arrived at a village called Navgaon. Most of their belongings were lost at the sea. The dead bodies of those that perished were buried in the village. The survivors somehow managed to settle in the village and started working 5