Landscape & Urban Design Issue 54 2022 | Page 36



The end to winter is in sight , days will become brighter and lighter for longer and gardening experts are sharing how to prepare gardens for Spring .
Green-fingered experts at GardeningExpress . co . uk are giving Brits tips on the garden jobs which need to be done to prepare the outdoor space for Spring .
Now is the perfect time to head out into the garden and begin to get it ready for the warmer months .
And after the chilly days and nights , our gardens will need a bit of TLC before we begin spending some time in them again .
Chris Bonnett , founder of GardeningExpress said : “ Most of us won ’ t have used our gardens over winter and before getting back out into them , there ’ ll be some tidying up and other maintenance that needs to be done before we can enjoy the beautiful Spring .
“ Knowing where to start can be overwhelming but a lot of these jobs can make a massive difference to the way your garden looks . Things like trimming the edge of the lawn and cleaning the patio instantly make your garden look sharper and brighter .
“ Taking care of these things now means that by the time the lovely weather comes around , your garden will be looking beautiful for you and your family and friends to enjoy .”
GardeningExpress ’ garden jobs for Spring :
1 . Tidy up Start by having a general tidy around your garden . Pick up any fallen leaves and start removing those unwanted weeds and clear up any other mess that may have been left behind from last year .
2 . Prep your soil Soil will begin to dry after the winter season and it ’ s good to prep it if you plan on planting some seeds and bulbs over Spring . Simply fork over the soil and add some fertilisers to ensure that the soil is filled with nutrients .
3 . Don ’ t forget about your lawn A beautiful lawn is key to a gorgeous garden . To achieve this , try going around the edge of the lawn with sharp shears to give it a much neater look .
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