Following our website upgrade in 2018 we went public and included our environmental policy on our website , partly in response to questions we were being asked on a regular basis from all angles .
Our Prevent , Reuse and Recycle policy was created as a result of these conversations and is our Environmental Policy in all but name . In 2019 we set up an environmental group comprised of staff from different parts of the company to reflect across the board how having green credentials are applicable in all areas of running a business .
In 2022 we aim to review our Prevent , Reuse and Recycle policy to include the following : Reduce , Reuse , Recycle , Review , Remove and Reinforce .
Reduce . All company vehicles are EURO 6 compliant , reducing our carbon emission . Our purchasing team now purchase by full lorry loads to further reduce our carbon footprint .
Reuse . Pots over 10L , that have been supplied by Provender Nurseries can be returned to us for reuse on site .
Recycle . We recycle all soft plastics and cardboard used in packaging . These are baled up and sent to be recycled . We also recycle timber and metal products .
Review . We regularly review our suppliers for their green credentials . Following a review of the sundries stock held on site , we created Going Green , a range of products that are either organic , wildlife friendly or have natural ingredients as their main components . Our sundries purchasing team review all new products to see if they fit under the Going Green category .
Remove . All of our deliveries on Danish trollies are now protected by green trolley jackets , removing the use of single use plastic wrap .
Reinforce . Regular staff training on site and regular meetings of our environmental group keeps everyone on site up to speed with any changes made .
Some procedures that we have implemented on site are not immediately apparent including the installation of LED lights across the entire site and the increased usage of biological controls on site reducing the need for chemical application .
From a customer point of view , the most common topics we are asked are about pots , compost , water and transport . All of which are essential to the trade nursery business .
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