Landscape & Urban Design Issue 54 2022 | Page 20



How much is your environmental policy worth ? In monetary terms , probably very little ; in terms of attracting business and doing the right thing , an environmental policy is priceless .
Of course , costs are incurred and some are irretrievable but , as a business , can you afford not to have an environmental policy in place ? What does an environmental policy mean to you , existing clients and potential clients ? Is it worth the cost to implement and adhere to ?
At Provender Nurseries we have found that talking to our clients and team members about our green credentials has really proved its worth in many aspects , both monetarily and in terms of giving our teams on site a framework that is of value to them and our business ethos as a whole .
Following recent conversations at trade shows and talking with new customers , an active environmental policy backed up by strong credentials are attractive qualities to potential customers and qualities that are commonly searched for .
An environmental policy is , to all intents and purposes , nailing your colours to the mast in the public realm . A brave move indeed , as a good environmental policy should be implemented , reviewed and updated on a regular basis .
Since 2010 Provender Nurseries has been gradually improving its green credentials as a supplier and as an operational business .
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