Roof Garden , London
At Outdoordesign we apply our unrivalled design , technical and manufacturing know-how to deliver the immense and the intricate , the routine and the never-previouslyattempted to the very highest standards of fit , finish and engineering integrity .
M & G Garden by Andy Sturgeon Bronze-Finish Walkway , London
We ’ re confident in our skills , proud of our knowledge , capabilities and technology , and are always eager to take on a new challenge , and determined to be the best in the business . It ’ s reflected in the incredible energy , dedication and enthusiasm within our in-house team – and the service and results we deliver to our clients .
The results speak for themselves Clients choose Outdoordesign because they know we will consistently deliver the perfection and attention to detail they demand , often in the face of an immovable deadline . They can give their imagination full rein , confident in our ability to
Roof Terrace Planters , London
interpret and crystallise ideas , solve problems , suggest alternatives and improvements and bring our own creativity to the project . It ’ s a formidable partnership that delivers stunning results .
Creative solutions We offer a complete , end-to-end service encompassing design , engineering , manufacturing , fabrication , finishing and installation – and all entirely in-house . We always remember that the client is entrusting their reputation to our skills and dedication . Yet some of our most complex , innovative work goes entirely unseen . And we ’ re comfortable with that : we know that without our involvement , the project might have been less ambitious or never happened at all . What ’ s important is that the client , and their customer , got the result they wanted .
www . outdoordesign . co . uk
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