Landscape & Urban Design Issue 50 2021 | Page 15

There ’ s minimal lighting on the terrace . “ The clients were adamant there was enough light spill up here from the surrounding buildings that it never feels truly dark , so they were keen not to go overboard with added lighting ,” Georgia explains . The planters are lit and discrete cube-shaped lights are attached to the trellis posts to illuminate the preparation area .
Due to the windy rooftop conditions , the planting had to be pretty hardy . The raised beds are filled with purpletop vervain ( Verbena bonariensis ) and evergreen bush morning glory ( Convolvulus cneorum ). “[ The latter ] is a very tough , evergreen plant , with little white flowers in the summer ,” Georgia says .
There ’ s a simple irrigation system on a timer running around the planters , making it a low-maintenance garden to look after . “ I always recommend these . They ’ re well worth having ,” Georgia says .
Around much of the terrace is a horizontal trellis which has several functions . Not only does it look neat , provide privacy and a support for climbing plants , it also helps to create a windbreak . “ It ’ s not solid , so it ’ s not like a sail — it lets some of the wind through ,” Georgia says . For safety , it was fixed to an L-shaped bracket under the decking to ensure it stays in place .
For more information check out Georgia ’ s Houzz profile www . houzz . co . uk / pro / glgardendesign / georgia-lindsaygarden-design
Photo credit : Nathalie Priem
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