Cheshire’s Adlington Golf Centre “With the new course constructed and the course architect alike, all
has recently undergone major as a like-for-like replacement, John commenting on the impressive
construction works to create a brand and I decided to stick with the same coverage and appearance.”
new 9-hole par 3 course. With a new mixtures we had used previously in bypass rendering the old site non- order to minimise the changes in both viable it was back to the drawing board playability and appearance.”
for Owner & Managing Director David
Moss. One thing that hasn’t changed
however is the choice of Johnsons
Sports Seed mixtures, from DLF,
which are delivering strong coverage
as they prepare to open the course to
“We have also incorporated some DLF
Wildflower mixtures into the outlying
habitat areas to add colour, diversity
MJ Abbott Ltd commenced the major and interest.” Here, John recommended
works in May 2018 and by October, it a bespoke mixture of Species Rich
was ready for seeding – with Johnsons Grassland plus Wildflower. David
Sports Seed, J Rye Fairway and J concludes, “With years of consistent
Green mixtures. “While these are the results under our belts across the two
the public. same mixtures as we’ve used before, courses and driving range, there was
we now benefit from the improved no question that we would turn to
Open to players of all ages and cultivars thanks to the DLF breeding DLF to deliver the reliable results we
abilities, Adlington Golf Centre programme. needed on this project. The seed coming
J Green has always given us fast, true we’re on track for opening the new
comprises of a 40-bay driving range,
9-hole pitch and putt and a 9-hole
par 3 course, a site totalling 125
acres that is seeded wall-to-wall with
mixtures from DLF. “When we built
the previous Par 3 course in 2003, we
used seed from DLF and that’s where
my working relationship with John
Hughes really began” explains David.
greens while the Rye Fairway mixture
has proven to be very hard-wearing
on the high-traffic areas. Both have
continuously delivered strong colour
for fantastic presentation. We are
delighted with how the ‘grow-in’ phase
has progressed, with reps, suppliers
through strong, once again, means
course this August.”
DLF Seeds Limited,
Thorn Farm, Inkberrow,
Worcestershire, WR7 4LJ
Tel: +44 (0)1386 791102
Fax: +44 (0)1386 792715