Head Groundsman Liam Reynolds using the INFINICUT® FL
Photo Credit: Tina Jenner Photography
Equipped with the TurfClean™ match day preparation. They deliver in the comb, the rotating brush
cassette and a duo of INFINICUT® such exceptional cut quality, which then gives no option but to throw
mowers, Head Groundsman at doesn’t go unnoticed by the spectators, the collected material into the box,
Chesterfield Football Club Liam players and managers alike who all leaving nothing behind.” In use after
Reynolds is delivering a premier finish comment on the stripe definition and every match and training session, the
at the clubs Proact Stadium. Such is overall appearance.” TurfClean™ also comes into its own
the standard of surface preparation
and aesthetic quality that Liam was
recently awarded runner-up in the
National League Groundsman of the
The most recent addition to his
armoury is the TurfClean™ hygiene
cassette, which Liam uses in the
Year Awards for 2019. INFINICUT® FL for post-match
Together with his colleagues at comb beneath a rotary brush, the
Premier Pitches, Liam took over the TurfClean™ effectively collects divots,
maintenance at Chesterfield FC in debris and organic matter while
2016. In addition to the wealth of standing the grass plant up to help
experience within the team, Liam also ensure a healthy sward. “With the two
brought with him a fleet of machinery adjustable rollers on the FL, we can
including two INFINICUT® mowers adjust both the height and the angle of
from MTD Specialty Turf Products. the TurfClean™ cassette to clean deep
“We have two 34” mowers, one down into the turf canopy or raise it
Floating Head and one Fixed Head. up to just remove debris off the top.”
These are used in conjunction with
one another, with the INFINICUT®
FL being our mower of choice for
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 39 2019
clean-up. Fitted with an angled
“It’s brilliant even in the wet” Liam
explains. “Once debris is collected
through the winter, when the plant is
at its most vulnerable. “When growth
is slow, we will use the TurfClean™
during prep instead of cutting and it
puts down a fantastic stripe without
risking any unnecessary stress
to the plant. The sharpness of cut
delivered by the INFINI’s, together
with the hygiene we’re achieving with
the TurfClean™, has dramatically
improved the health and condition of
our surface.”
MTD Specialty Turf Products,
Unit 3, Redwood Court,
Campbell Way, Dinnington,
Sheffield S25 3NQ UK
Tel: +44 (0) 114 2122 200