“The landscape architects at LDA creative play. The East Garden attractive to bee’s and butterflies
Design worked closely with Tipi to features bespoke playable elements to promote pollination and wildlife,
coordinate the design of the spaces such as view mounds, serpentine ensuring that resident’s contact with
including colourful, fragrant and seating, a timber maze and climbing nature is encouraged and celebrated.
seasonally interesting planting in cubes set in brightly coloured play School age children have their play
metal-effect, light weight bespoke safety rubber that is screened from space in the adjoining neighbourhood
GRP planters, colour coded to match the private terraces by tall planters park, Elvin Gardens, which also
interior and exterior architectural featuring tall grasses, evergreen and features an amphitheatre, lawns,
finishes. sensory planting that includes flowers planting and seating.”
“Hardwood timber seating with
recessed lighting and speakers for
music are located to maximise views
and social interaction. Space and
power points have been provided for
resident’s use, including barbecues,
parties and other events organised by
“The south facing shared terraces host
an assortment of activities for varying
age groups, enjoy views towards
Wembley Stadium and over the hustle
and bustle of Weaver Walk, Market
Square and Olympic Way.
“The West Garden features a playable
landscape for pre-school children
with a tunnel, slide, spinner and
balance beam linked by ‘stepping
stones’, mounding and curvilinear
planting to foster imaginative and
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 38 2019