A major survey investigating the future will go a long way in securing vital the ornamental horticulture sub-
skills needs within UK ornamental funding and resource.” sectors, including landscape design and
horticulture is firmly underway, with
over 300 businesses already providing
According to a recent report by
maintenance services.
Oxford Economics, the UK Ornamental It will be conducted by telephone, giving
resource gaps for the £24bn sector. sector supported 568,700 jobs in businesses the opportunity to provide
2017, amounting to 1.6% of total UK their view on skills developments in
The British Association of Landscape employment. the foreseeable future, their workforce
insight about the potential training and
Industries (BALI), a key stakeholder
of the Ornamental Horticulture Sector
group who commissioned the study,
continues to promote the survey to
its extensive membership network,
providing some of the UK’s leading
landscape companies with a voice on
Wayne continued “The Ornamental
sector is a vital driver for the UK’s
economy, particularly the landscape
services industry which generated
£11.6bn, almost 50% of the total
£24bn value, in 2017. This study will
needs, the impact of automation,
training needs and requirements, and
other topics to inform a skills strategy
tailored to the sector. In addition,
interviews and dedicated workshops for
business stakeholders are planned this
month and further into June to better
the current skills crisis. allow us to compare findings from the The Ornamental Horticulture Sector underfunded and potentially under- Results from the survey will help
stakeholder group is seeking to equipped we are as an industry. The equip the sector in making the case
investigate the future skills needs results from this survey will also equip for lobbying government, requests for
of the Ornamental Horticulture us with the necessary data to take to funding, informing migratory advisory
sector, in terms of key skills and the Government where BALI will be looking committee consultations and insight
requirements and challenges facing for action.” about the demand for, and gaps within,
Pye Tait Consulting, who has been
the sector in the future (including
scenarios and implications for future
initial economic report to see just how
workforce change). commissioned by the group to carry
BALI’s Chief Executive Wayne Grills with contacting a minimum of 1,000
said: “Results from this survey will UK-based businesses between now
help equip the sector with real-time and June. The survey will build on
knowledge of the issue, in turn, an initial pilot project carried out in
informing a skills strategy which will be 2018. The 2019 survey is seeking the
tailored to the industry’s needs which views of those working in and across
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 38 2019
out the research, has been tasked
inform the research.
training in the horticulture sector.
If you would like further
information or wish to participate
please contact Michael Oberreuter
on (0)1423 509433 or via email.
Alternatively, you can take part
online by visiting this website.
If you would like to speak to a
member of the BALI team at
Landscape House, call (0)24 7669
0333 or contact us via email.