The BBC Gardeners’ World Live Young
Landscapers Award gardens:
Gold Award - Matthew Woods
(Myerscough College) & Sam Gordon
(The Gardenmakers) - Young
Landscapers Competition
Gold Award - Brian Hughes & Reece
Mckay (both College of Agriculture,
Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) -
Young Landscapers Competition
The five gardens on APL Avenue
Platinum Award & Best Construction
- DesignIt Landscapes - Designed by
Lucy Bravington Design
Gold Award – Gadd Brothers -
Designed by Dr Catherine MacDonald
& Rhiannon Williams
Silver Merit Award - Creative Roots -
Designed by Toby Pritchard
Silver Award - Morgan Oates -
Designed by Anna Pawlowska
Silver Award - Timotay Landscapes
- Designed by Robyn Brookes & Keith
Walmsley (Timotay Landscapes)
The five front or back gardens that
feature on the APL Avenue, give the
public the opportunity to witness first-
hand what can be achieved in a small
space. Landscapers and members of
the APL team there to support the
public greater understanding of the
costs of a garden build.
The APL and John Lewis Home
Solutions garden was awarded a Gold
Award, and APL members Big Fish
Landscapes were awarded a Silver
Award for their Macmillan Legacy
Garden, designed by Martyn Wilson.
This year’s BBC Gardeners’ World Matthew Wood and Sam Gordon won
Live show has now opened, with this year’s BBC Gardeners’ World Live
the five gardens on APL Avenue
showcasing some of the amazing talent
from within the association, and the
BBC Gardeners’ World Live Young
Landscapers Award highlighting some
of the upcoming talent within the
Young Landscapers Award, with both
teams taking home a Gold Award in the
competition with gardens designed by
Professor David Stevens.
You can vote for your favourite
garden at