Roger Webster has been running his The site lies on the bank of a tidal streets, many not wide enough for
garden design practice from Exeter estuary and is surrounded by historic cars, giving enticing glimpses of the
for over twenty years, with projects buildings and narrow streets which open water beyond.
across Devon and the Southwest. bustle with activity during summer Domestic gardens for private clients evenings and weekends. The are the mainstay of the practice. challenges were to maximise views
A recently completed project is
this garden of a contemporary
replacement house in a stunning
waterfront location.
Roger was engaged from the early
stages, working with the clients and
architects to obtain planning consent
for the redevelopment which lies
within a Conservation Area.
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 34 2018
over the estuary whilst also providing
shelter and to balance the need for
privacy with the clients’ desire to
present an open and neighbourly
aspect to the street.
The garden unfolds as a sequence of
enclosed spaces linked by carefully
considered views and routes: a vehicle
entrance and gravelled parking
area; separate pedestrian entrance
from the street; enclosed “green
rooms” screened from neighbouring
properties and sheltered from the
Inspiration was taken from the close coastal winds; an open decked seating
grained texture of the historic town area adjoining the main reception
whose tightly packed houses and room with magnificent 180 degree
secluded courts are pierced by narrow views over the water and a smaller