Landscape & Urban Design Issue 24 2017 | Page 64

Garden Lighting Tips By Sian Parsons, Senior Designer at John Cullen Lighting G ardens in the UK are so often a fair weather space, only to be enjoyed for our brief summers and rare warm evenings. But we are missing a trick – with lighting they can become another ‘room’ for year round enjoyment. Here are my tips for maximising your enjoyment in your garden:- To draw your eye out into the garden, the first step is literally the simplest one - ceiling recessed or wall mounted spotlights set above glass doors help pool light down onto the floor surface. And making the floor the same inside and out really helps extend the size of the interior space. The next thing to think about is drawing the eye out past the immediate area and on into the garden. This project perfectly illustrates how lighting the garden extends the internal space. The layering of wall mounted spotlights give light to the external eating area, and 64 Landscape & Urban Design spiked lights in the planting create beautiful shadows on the rendered walls. These perimeter lights add an almost lamp light quality to the garden. It is possible source external lanterns. These beautiful electified storm lanterns mean no more faffing around for candles and matches. At a flick of a switch they illuminate, washing the floor with a gentle glow, and creating a lovely evening ambiance to enjoy. It’s not just external sofas that make external living more enticing. You should consider a dedicated dining area to take full advantage of those warmer evenings. Here the garden view is framed by the internal wall