Chiefs of Transformation Conference ( COTC ) At the strategic level , the COTC in December 2019 , hosted by Supreme Allied Command Transformation ( SACT ), included a dedicated team of national and Allied Command Operations ( ACOs ) CSELs led by seasoned facilitator , retired U . S . Navy Captain Scott Jasper , PhD , with the expressed purpose to examine NCO development in order to meet future complex security challenges . The theme for the COTC was NATO Warfare Development : Innovation & Interoperability- Winning Tomorrow ’ s War Today . Allied Command Transformation ( ACT ) CSEL , Hungarian Sergeant Major Tibor Bogdán , outlined these outcomes during the event :
Trends and Threats
• Adversaries will contest the rules and norms that define international order
• Persistent disorder will result from state failure to provide governance
• Declining demographics will endanger human resource availability
• Climate change will increase and disrupt operations
• Disruptive technologies will require force adaptation and preparation
• Hybrid threats that use an array of measures including cyber and disinformation
NCO Attributes
• A reactive , thinking , and value added team member
• A constant learner of how , not what , to think
• Creative and innovative through self development
• Competency rather than task based objectives
• Process and Tools
• Inform the PD model throughout Bi-SC directive review to empower NATO Educational Training Facilities ( NETF ) and Partner Education and Training ( PETC ) throughout ACT Global programming guidelines -075-002, -075-003, -075-007, -075- 015
• Review NATO job descriptions informed by change to Allied Force Standards
• Adapt Lesssons Learned ( LL ) collection system to share training / education knowledge so as to baseline best practices
• Development of social aptitudes to cope with complex problems
• Validate technical skill and university tailored technical education requirements
• Identify and define developmental periods mapped against competencies
• Talent spotting , talent management , career management , succession plans
• Continuous , adaptive education with performance measurements
Decision Making
• Use a networked approach in communication to allow the transfer of mass information quickly ( tactical , operational , strategic , lessons learned )
• Invest in tactical leaders ’ education and training at the small group level
• Empower NCOs in the decision space to be a force multiplier in all domains
• Strategic communications to society and parents
• Diversity / inclusion in demographics
• Talent management / use of experience
• Resilience to the new technology
• Shared knowledge of facts versus social media avenues
• NATO recruiting messaging for nations