G9 Forges Training Plan for an Article V Scenario

By Major Samuel HAYES , U . S . Army , LANDCOM G9
In recent months , NATO Allied Land Command Commander , Lieutenant General J . T . Thomson , challenged LANDCOM to improve its fighting positions across the staff . During Exercise Loyal Bonus ( LOBO ) 19-1 last October , LANDCOM not only learned valuable lessons of how to operate as an effective staff , but also learned how to fight in a non-Article V mission . There were lessons at the heart of the challenge . First , for the staff to dig deeper to find better ways of sharing and analyzing information to enable mission success , and secondly , be prepared to conduct an Article V operation , which requires a different frame of thinking . The objective from this challenge was clear . Rather than working to enhance a member nation ’ s capability in a non-Article V mission , LANDCOM was to conduct operations to defeat an adversary under an Article V mandate . Such a challenge requires a Team of
Teams . Leading a Team of Teams requires breaking down bureaucratic silos , crossing the organizational divide to share the information necessary to make informed decisions , and taking action on the modern battlefield .
One Part of the Larger LANDCOM Team
The G9 Division is a part of LANDCOM ’ s Team of Teams that focuses on Civil- Military Cooperation ( CIMIC ) and Military Cooperation with Partner Nations . As U . S . General Stanley McChrystal , former ISAF commander , wrote in his book , ( Team of Teams : New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World ) this idea creates a seamless network of an organization that emphasize purpose over the procedure , commits to sharing information , and develops strong connections between teams . General

Allied Command Operations will leverage our overwhelming strength in multidomain and combined arms operations to deliver decisive effects .

- General Tod D . Wolters , SACEUR