GRAND ALLIANCE The training was supported by experts from across NATO , with specialists flying in from all corners of the Alliance including the U . S . Army ’ s 1st Cavalry Division from Fort Hood , Texas , the 1st Canadian Division from Kingston , Ontario , the Portuguese ‘ Brigada de Reacção Rápida ’ ( Rapid Reaction Brigade ), as well as the British Army ’ s 3rd ( UK ) Division from Salisbury Plain in England . Supporting staff also travelled from the ARRC ’ s sister corps headquarters , including the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy ( NRDC-ITA ) based in Milan , and the Multinational Corps Northeast ( MNC-NE ) from Szczecin , Poland . Captain Andre Novais from the ‘ Brigada de Reacção Rápida ’ said , “ It ’ s been a useful experience . We are a rapid reaction brigade , and as the name suggests , we can quickly deploy forces in response of the ARRC .
“ For us the challenge here is working in an international environment that is very close to reality , and we can practice our procedures alongside different nations ,” he said .
CHIEF OF MISSION Reflecting on the progress made by the ARRC during the exercise in Cornwall , the Corps ’ s Chief of Staff , Major General John Mead from the British Army , said , “ this is an exercise where we sort out the basics , and the basics for a corps are still pretty sophisticated . What we ’ ve sought to do is progressively build the team that can work most effectively as a corps .”
Major General Meade continued . “ I think the key word is ‘ trust ’. Trust is the foundation of effective military operations , but particularly in an alliance . So , not only are we integrating our headquarters of 21 nations , where English may not be the first language , but then we have to integrate as a corps and be the sum of our parts , which has a British , an American , and a Canadian division , a Portuguese brigade , and a whole raft of international corps troops providers – such as a Czech CBRN ( Chemical , Biological , Radiological and Nuclear ) battalion , you name it .” He went on to cite the conplexity of the organization , but that NATO has been through it before . The key is to maintain routine relationships and come together to build trust .
“ As a headquarters we have to earn that trust ,” Major General Meade said . “ We ’ re clear that we ’ ve still got to improve to be really competitive . And we ’ re clearer on the risks to readiness and what we need to focus on in training . And , frankly , where we need to modernise and where those capability short fallings are going forward .”
He continued . “ But I think the thing that ’ s most pleased me has been the way that an empowered team that has just got a bit better every day .”
LAND FORCE During a two day visit towards the end of the exercise , the Commander of NATO Allied Land Command , Lieutenant General J . T . Thomson , added , “ This is a tremendous example of building readiness and practicing collective defence as an alliance . I ’ ve been very impressed with the teamwork from across NATO , and I ’ m impressed with the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ,” he said . “ You ’ re setting the standard all across NATO .” LC
For the latest on the ARRC visit : www . arrc . nato . int