SPRING 2019 from the


In a whirlwind last quarter , Headquarters Allied Land Command ( LANDCOM ) made huge strides in forging the “ Land Team ” in which we all can be proud . Some of our key tasks were advancing the Supreme Allied Commander Europe ( SACEUR ) priorities while playing key roles in the NATO Command Structure ’ s ( NCS ) major activities . We led change with NCS Adaptation developing manning structures and standard operating procedures to ensure we are ready to fulfill our Land Component Command ( LCC ) role today , while setting the conditions in terms of training and exercise programs to validate and elevate future roles like : Theatre Land Component ( TLC ), Multi- Corps Land Component Commands ( MCLCC ), and Deployable Land Elements ( DLE ). Our successful participation in Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 , and the certification of Multi National Division North-East ( MND-NE ) and the 1st German Netherlands Corps ( 1 GNC ) for the NATO Response Force role for 2019 is something all Officers and Non-commissioned Officers ( NCOs ) alike can take pride in . “ Bravo Zulu ”!
Commander ’ s Intent
Change is constant in any organization . You can either resist it or embrace it , but I would tell you “ Leaders ” do the latter . I often heard and repeated the analogy , “ if you don ’ t like change , you ’ re going to hate being irrelevant .” During my tenure within NATO , I noticed that staff personnel are reluctant to change , and are quick to quote processes which slow initiatives and ultimately work against change or Commander ’ s Intent . Every new Commander reviews and takes stock of the new post , reviews his or her mission , and provides a vision or new path where he or she envisions future unit goals . Anyone with more than 10 minutes in the Army will tell you that this is not something new , and we all should be accustomed to this process . I would also add , NATO has a high turnover rate in all echelons and teams are being formed and forged post summer low manning period annually . So a word to the wise to any supervisor , take your time delivering your intent and expectations . Communicating “ low and slow ” will save you the time in the long run to ensure you won ’ t have to deliver your expectations twice . NATO is an international environment and it ’ s all about dignity and respect !
All that said , I believe that one of the most important roles of a Sergeant Major ( SM ) and / or Command Senior Enlisted Leader ( CSEL ) be it Tactical or Strategic , is his or her ability to communicate the Commander ’ s intent and priorities . That ’ s both down and in , and up and out . This in my opinion is an art , which can ’ t be taught by attending leadership classes , but rather honed through years of experience working with numerous leaders . Initially , in order to provide added value in supporting the Commander ’ s intent , a SM / CSEL must establish a relationship built on trust with the Commander . He or she should always understand that there is only one Commander , and respect his or her position in terms of authorities when providing advice . Understanding your left and right limits , and finding your position within the Commander ’ s battle rhythm and personal battlespace are critical for success .
Now without plagiarizing the entire LANDCOM ’ s Commander ’ s 2019 Directive , I feel it is important to enhance and advocate some key points . We must continue our role as NATO ’ s land domain advocate focused on warfighting competencies and land
06 force coherence . We must lead change to become fit for purpose in order to ultimately support the Alliance ’ s core tasks , SACEUR ’ s priorities and SHAPE ’ s four workstrands ( Implement , Integrate , Operate , and Survive ). LANDCOM must use 2019 to lay the groundwork for fully implementing NCS Adaption in accordance with three lines of effort : Mission Command ; Build and Sustain Readiness ( Main Effort ); and Advocate for the Land Domain while strengthening Warfighting Competencies .
Some keys to success in supporting our Commander ’ s intent and / or vision based on his direction and guidance follow . Foster a “ can do ” attitude . Our Commander supports leaders who lean into authorities . Any leader or supervisor would rather have to pull the reins in on someone , rather than have to use a cattle prod ! We must continue to become a learning organization by educating ourselves in concepts like Multi-Domain Operations and insert them into our thinking or lexicon .
In closing , I would like to congratulate French Army Sergeant J . Moron for receiving our LANDCOM ’ s Soldier of the Year or “ Sgt . Yahya ” award for his dedication and professionalism . Well done !
Lastly , I think it ’ s important to highlight some words of wisdom , or rules to live by from our new Commander , U . S . Army Lt . Gen . John C . Thomson III , which we all should personally take stock in :
“ Words Whisper – ACTIONS THUNDER !” ( Product over process )
“ Three things we cannot requisition on short notice : TRUST , FITNESS , and DISCIPLINE !”
See you on the Battlefield !
LANDCOM Command Senior Enlisted Leader