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As we prepare to mark the 70th Anniversary of NATO on April 4 , 2019 , land power remains more relevant and decisive than ever in today ’ s dynamic , complex and uncertain security environment . History teaches us that weakness invites aggression , so warfighting readiness remains vitally important . Moreover , while NATO has served Euro-Atlantic security well for the past seven decades , the rapidly changing character of war in an era of great power competition mandates adaptation to ensure continued Alliance success .
From the Land Domain perspective , NATO Command Structure Adaptation ( NCS-A ) serves as the driving force behind our 2019-2023 Campaign Plan : Leading Change — Fit for Purpose . While NCS-A increases structure and personnel across the NATO Command Structure ( NCS ) for the first time in decades , more importantly it is about changing our culture . This entails promoting a culture of strategy to deal with today ’ s strategic challenges and revitalizing warfighting readiness to compete , deter , and if needed , fight and win .
Further , this includes review , refinement and development of joint warfighting concepts and doctrine for command and control , targeting , theater sustainment , and multi-domain operations in addition to realistic and rigorous training exercises . It also requires strong linkage between
the NCS and the NATO Force Structure to foster cohesion , standardization , and interoperability .
Accordingly , Allied Land Command as the domain advocate instituted a teaming approach with the Graduated Response Force ( Land ) community to jointly advance these initiatives . Though the teaming effort is nascent , it will provide coherence to our efforts and ensure that lessons are indeed shared and learned . Its focus is on capable and credible NATO land forces , ready to conduct decisive combined arms operations in support of Alliance objectives . Prime examples include the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps leading on the Land Command and Control Concept , the 1st German-Netherlands Corps leading on the Corps Troops / Enablers Vision , and NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy leading on the Joint Fires and Targeting Strategy , as well as the Multi-Corps Land Component Command concept and experimentation .
Building and sustaining readiness remains our main effort . To this end , LANDCOM continues to synchronize training and exercises to enable NATO Land Forces to conduct decisive operations in support of Alliance objectives . Beyond implementation of the Long Term Commitment Plan , we aim to employ a new approach to combat readiness evaluations ( CREVAL ). The intent is to focus future CREVALs on training objectives that foster Corps-level Warfighting competencies using a tailored approach instead of simply reviewing hundreds of “ checklist ” items . As one Corps Commander aptly put it , “ we have to get past process and focus more on content .” Ideally , the CREVAL process will facilitate a unit-led and unit-owned After Action Review ( AAR ) and training support package that facilitate shared lessons and future readiness growth . We are implementing the new approach for the EUROCORPS during TRIDENT JUPITER Part I in November 2019 to certify the NATO Response Force ( NRF ) Land Component Command ( LCC ). This year brings several changes in key land domain leadership . At LANDCOM ,
Lieutenant General Richard Cripwell replaced Lieutenant General Paolo Ruggerio in February as the Deputy Commander . February also saw the changeover from Lieutenant General Dimitrios Bikos and Warrant Officer Antonios Dourdas ( Command Senior Enlisted Leader ) to Lieutenant General Konstantinos Koutras and Warrant Officer Ioannis Charisiadis ( CSEL ) at NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Greece . At Allied Rapid Reaction Corps , Command Sergeant Major Stu Davidson replaced Command Sergeant Major Allan Ridler , while Chief Warrant Officer Eric Poissant replaced Chief Warrant Officer Luc Lacombe at Multi-National Corps-Northeast . We thank the outgoing leaders for their exceptional leadership and teamwork and welcome the incoming leaders to the Land Domain team . Further key leader changes over the coming months include the commanders of the 1st German- Netherlands Corps , the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps , and the EUROCORPS as well as the CSEL for LANDCOM . Though the faces change , we can be confident in continued strong leadership , the most decisive and dynamic element of combat power .
As the Alliance took form under the Washington Treaty , President Truman described it as a “ shield against aggression and the fear of aggression .” The land domain is as resolute today as it was in 1949 ; and in the words of the landmark treaty , we stand united to “ safeguard the freedom , common heritage and civilization of their peoples .” Thank you for dutifully standing in the gap between freedom and tyranny to preserve the peace that NATO has ensured for the past 70 years .
For the Soldier !
LANDCOM Commander