With the significant changes in NATO focus and posture as a result of the current security environment , NATO training and exercises transformed to deliver readiness towards NATO ’ s core tasks and the NATO Level of Ambition .
The NATO Exercise Program Review ( NEPR ) was conducted in 2016 and 2017 and delivered several options for how to train forces for Major Joint Operations plus ( MJO +). The JUPITER / LEDA series reflects Supreme Allied Commander Europe ’ s ( SACEUR ’ s ) intent , promulgated by SACEUR ’ s Annual Guidance on Education , Training , Exercises and Evaluation ( SAGE ) 2019 and 2020 forms the backbone of the NATO Major Joint Exercises ( MJX ) program .
( TRJU ) is a Joint level Computer Assisted Exercise / Command Post Exercise ( CAX / CPX ) that will train the operational phases in an escalatory conflict from the deployment of the NATO Response Force ( NRF ) as well as certifying the stand-up NRF ( TRJU19-1 ) to a MJO + scale operation ( TRJU19-2 ). This will be done with one common scenario : Occasus ( a fictitious region ), plans , orders , etc . and with as much common exercise planning as possible between the two parts of the exercise .


By Major Aurelijus Braciska ( LTU ), LANDCOM G7 .
LOYAL LEDA ( LOLE ) is a Land tactical-level CAX / CPX which will use the same scenario , plans and appropriate orders as developed for TRJU . This exercise will provide an opportunity to train selected parts of the TRJU exercise at the tactical level in a MJO + scale setting with selected subordinate headquarters from the NATO Force Structure ( NFS ) and Follow-on-Forces ( FoF ).
TRJU19-1 will see a NATO Allied Land Command ( LANDCOM ) team evaluating EUROCORPS ( EC ) for their NRF Land Component Command ( LCC ) role in accordance with the new evaluation methodology .
The changing role of the LANDCOM as part of the NATO Command Structure
Adaptation ( NCS-A ) process from Multi Corps Land Component Command ( MC LCC ) to Theater Land Command ( TLC ), with the requirement to provide Deployable Land Elements ( DLEs ) also carried-over to an adjusted construct of TRJU19 / LOLE20 . During TRJU 19-2 LANDCOM , as the only certified MC LCC in NATO for the time being , will assume a MC LCC role as Secondary Training Audience ( STA ), but will also be augmented by NATO Rapid Deployable Corps ( NRDC ) – Italy ( ITA ) and NRDC – Greece ( GRC ) in order to share the experience and enable NATO Force Structure ( NFS ) elements to take a lead as MC LCCs in the future .
For LOLE20 LANDCOM will retain its role as Officer Conducting the Exercise ( OCE ) and will use the exercise as an opportunity to develop the DLE concept by augmenting NRDC-ITA and NRDC-GRC with a DLE in the Higher Control ( HICON ) capacity . The Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ( ARRC ) will act as Primary Training Audience ( PTA ) in the Corps Warfighting
role .
Planning and preparations for JUPITER / LEDA is a lengthy and time consuming endeavor requiring deliberate and coordinated efforts of the planning teams comprising all the LANDCOM divisions and the Command Group and is well underway . It requires LANDCOM to focus on multiple missions simultaneously : exercising the LCC role , developing the TLC and DLE roles . As is rightly stated in the G7 logo , “ The path is the true destination ” – even though exercises have a defined cycle with a beginning and an end ; it is actually a continuous process ensuring that LANDCOM stands ready to fulfill its mission .