SPRING 2019 data from observations or any other kind of data collection . This raw data will end up on the intel . analyst ’ s desk whose task it is to bring the information , in the right format , structure it , order it , and put it in context to create new knowledge . This knowledge will then feed decisionmaking . In the next step this information goes into a plan , and into direction and guidance . Finally , based on this information a mission will be executed – that is when action ( fires and manoeuvre ) happens on the battlefield . Afterwards data will be collected , evaluated , and assessed to find out ( control ) a few things : did a unit or formation do what they were told to do ( measuring performance ), did the enemy change his behaviour as anticipated ( measuring effect ), and if so , did the enemy change his behaviour , because we did something ( measuring effectiveness )? What I just tried to describe in one paragraph is the power of information in all phases of an operation , in Observe , Orient , Decide , Execute , and Assess . Information was involved in all these phases , so let ’ s have a closer look at a factor that will impact every aspect of military operations .
Considering information is so important in all phases of an operation , maybe we can target enemy information while protecting our own . Great idea , and in fact we can , and should consider targeting information in three ways . First , the information itself leads to misinformation or disinformation 2 . Second , we target the flow of information . We target a step between data collection and assessment . We irritate the enemy ’ s processes of information gathering , processing , decision-making , execution and assessment . Finally , we target the information systems that process information . In other words , we can target information in the form of content , flow ( structures and processes ), and Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) systems .
Now that we finally mentioned ICT , it ’ s not a secret to say that the use of information nowadays is highly dependent on technology . Technology helps us gather raw data , structure it , analyse it , store it , share it , and deliver information in a broad variety of formats and in various ways .
While trying to highlight the characteristics of information in the previous four paragraphs of this article , I started with human behaviour ; the way people engage with each other ( sociology ) and the way people feel and think ( psychology ) – in the cognitive area . Second , I described the role of information in planning and decisionmaking , in all phases of an operation , and highlighted some options to break into an enemy ’ s information process by targeting the flow of information inside his organisation or affecting his ICT . So , on the characteristics of information , we combined cognitive with procedural ( informational ) and technical ( physical ) aspects . Information is a multi-domain factor to consider at all stages and phases of an operation .
Subsequently , we described the IE as the environment in which information is gathered , processed , and exchanged . The IE consists of the information itself , people , structures , processes , and
Lt . Col . Ulrich M . Janssen
German Army Lieutenant Colonel Ulrich M . Janssen looks back on more than 38 years of military service . He graduated in Economics & Business Administration from Helmut- Schmidt-University , Hamburg . For the last 20 years he ’ s been working for NATO and in international organizations where he held positions in command and staff functions as well as in professional education and training . Over the last fifteen years he specialized on concept development , policy , plans and requirements in the context of planning at the operational and strategic level with a focus on information and communications . He contributed significantly to concept development and experimentation regarding Information Operations and analyzed the implications of Strategic Communications for the military in crisis prevention and conflict transformation .
technology . An environment that is global , multi-dimensional , highly dynamic , rapidly changing , affecting own , adversarial , and neutral audiences , and doesn ’ t know any boundaries , neither political , nor physical or intellectual . Not only one cannot not communicate , in addition , one cannot hide from information , because the information will find you . You don ’ t need to search for it .
If a terrain walk is so essential for success in the 3-dimensional land domain , how much more important is understanding the IE in modern warfare ?
To be very clear , at the beginning of this terrain walk , because of the nature of the IE ; there is no 100 % solution or output , neither is there any right nor wrong . We
Gen . Stephane Abrial , SACT 09 / 2009 – 09 / 2012 2 Misinformation is telling the false because the truth is not known ( missing data / information ); disinformation is deliberately telling the false or hiding the truth