order to be able to put into practice actions that can lead to lasting solutions to conflicts and crises . In this perspective , LANDCOM has undertaken a double strategy in its daily application of the gender perspective .
The first strategy aims to have an external impact on the image and the message that the organisation wants to project of itself . It gives visibility to professionals who functionally act as a model for military operations in all of its phases , but above all promote the involvement and empowerment of different groups in the management and resolution of a crisis . In the MJO + exercise in November , LANDCOM had to deal with a civil “ environment ” ( population , civil organisations , politicians and religious ), invested by a real conflict scenario for the necessary application of NATO Article 5 . It is therefore evident that the gender perspective does not apply only to modern types of threats , but the Alliance must necessarily apply it also to the one that traditionally legitimizes its intervention according to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty . As an example , during a scenario that obliges the members of the collective defense in the event of an attack against one of the nations belonging to the Alliance . LANDCOM would work to address a “ balanced ” image of the organisation , resolutely promoting the application of force and at the same time being able to impose respect for its values .
The second strategy aims to adopt a gender perspective for analysis that will shape the effectiveness of operations in which the Command will be affected against radical terrorism and or the control of the Alliance ’ s borders . In this regard , the role of the Gender Advisors and the LAND- COM Gender Focal Points is to support the gender perspective in training and operational effects , supporting the Commander with the study , analysis and training of his Generals . ( Gender Key Leader Seminar ) up to the last of the soldiers ( Gender awareness capacity
building ), as a cross cutting function , complete and enhance the various operational functions .
Key Leader Seminar on Gender
In November , LANDCOM hosted the first ever Key Leader Seminar on Gender . Invited to brief were representatives from the Nordic Center for Gender within the Military ( NCGM ), the center of excellence of the Scandinavian countries accredited by NATO and the United Nations for dealing and developing gender issues in operations . At the end of the seminar , the
NCGM called LANDCOM a “ role model ” for the application of the gender perspective within NATO . The headquarters ’ increased focus on this topic creates a greater awareness both within the command and effects other NATO commands as well . In the words of Chantal de Jonge Oudraat , President of Women in International Security ( WIIS ), “ gender balance is ( used as ) an extremely powerful counter-message about the kind of society we want to live in ”.
With this in mind , the current objective of LANDCOM is to qualitatively increase the application of NATO gender perspective and quantitatively apply a policy in terms of gender balance , including female staff for training events crucial for the establishment of the Command in the 2018 , thus showing a resolute commitment to the affirmation of gender balance .
Future Implementation
The example of the LANDCOM HQ and its contribution to NATO ’ s gender policies helped us to read the present and future threats : There is definitely a completely new profile of the kind of enemy who NATO will have to fight with more adequate countermeasures . As Chantal de Jonge Oudraat explains , the increasing radicalization has led to an increase in the number of women recruited by violent and extremist groups , which makes gender analysis a relevant tool for a more descriptive assessment . With this scenario the function of the LANDCOM HQ is configured as a model for the application of the gender perspective , for example within anti-terrorism including the analysis of female and male members of violent organisations and all the actors who perpetuate or promote the development of violent consequences of any ideology . The identification and study of the activities connected with supporters or actors of the extreme radicalism , in fact , it will be useful for understanding the gender dynamics of the areas of interest and will help us to understand how and who is playing an active role in conflict environments . Finally , on the issue of conflict resolution , one of the cornerstones of the post-war process would be the inclusion of women as part of the same nation that needs to be rebuilt , entering the public sphere with an active contribution . A priority of the military force is the involvement of the main actors with an application of an inclusive gender perspective in which the most vulnerable groups will have the possibility to play a new active role in the peace process . Considering any circumstances from within the fragile environment , the creation of post-crisis states and the implementation of security sector reforms , vulnerable groups that are usually part of the conflict scenario as victims of sexual abuse or economic inequality , should participate in the recovery of their communities as fully responsive members , in order to achieve a global peace process .