Increased focus on


By LTC Alberto Strina ( ITA ), LANDCOM
LANDCOM has been commited to an increased focus on the integration of the gender perspective into all aspects of land-related operations over the past year . This has been evident through the increased attention given to gender perspectives in land operations , integrating gender issues into major NATO training exercises and through the first Key Leader Seminar hosted by LAND- COM specifically on the gender perspective .
Gender Perspectives in Operations
NATO has shown an increased interest in recent years towards the implementation of the gender perspective in peace support operations or crisis response operations . There is recognition at the operational level as well of the value this focus can have , serving as an additional capability , to be used for the success of a military mission . Considering that in the fight against radical terrorism the contribution of all the actors is crucial for the achievement of an effective , sustainable and long lasting security , the implementation of the gender perspective proves itself fundamental because it addresses the new challenges and global threats with an “ inclusive ” approach . This approach includes acknowledgement of the roles ascribed by society , of the roles defined by gender , of political and religious roles , and includes involving and analyzing all groups and every type of social actor . Recent operational and training applications have shown how the development of the integration of a gender perspective by the
Alliance generates a substantial military advantage in the analysis of the operating environment through the involvement of a wider range of actors or groups . The benefit to operations is realised in facilitating the access to new and in some cases more effective resources or useful tools for the performance of any phase of an
operation , expressing an added value compared to the most popular military functions traditionally employed . Eventually , the extensive involvement and analysis of all social groups allows us to study the effects generated by the conflict on society and to direct the operations with adaptations useful for influencing their course and obtaining a traditional military advantage . Because of this , the gender perspective stands as an instrument , like the different military capabilities and functions available , useful for the success of the military mission presenting itself as a combat reducer and a force multiplier , allowing the achievement of the military and political objective with a reduction of the direct confrontation between opposing parties and with a simultaneous increase of effectiveness of the Force deployed . From the experience gained during operations particularly in the Afghan theater and based on what is written in the UN documents , present in many areas with thousands of peacekeepers NATO has elaborated a series of definitions on the issue of gender , recognised by all countries of the Atlantic Pact and beyond . In particular , the term gender refers to those aspects that determine the position of a person in a given context , as well as the relationships between men and women and between boys and girls . The integration of the Gender perspective is defined as a “ tool for assessing gender differences between men and women in terms of their social roles , the distribution of power and access to resourc‌es ”.
Gender Perspectives in Exercises
During the daily activities of the LANDCOM during Exercise Trident Javelin 2017 , the main result obtained from the gender perspective area was the contribution of the gender to the NATO Comprehensive Approach . The application of this approach requires all actors involved , including international , local , military and civil , to take an active part in resolving the crisis , sharing its responsibilities and contributing according to its position in society and its possibilities . By proposing the gender perspective in this context , it is evident that the Comprehensive Approach cannot exclude women , the elderly , boys and girls and all those members of the population that a few years ago were considered only victims of conflicts without any active role in resolving crises . Eventually , the adoption of the gender perspective in the international military missions is conjugated as an analytical tool that helps to read the reality in which we find ourselves and we operate taking into consideration the point of view of all the actors involved in