Dedication to a Broad Spectrum of Missions
renders it rapidly available as well as sustainable to a large extent . In 2007 and 2010 , it provided the core of the NATO Response Force ( NRF ).
Its deployment to Afghanistan in 2012 confirmed its operational nature and its credibility .
In this framework , EUROCORPS personnel , including the Commanding General , manned key posts within the ISAF command structure ( mainly HQ ISAF and IJC , as well as NTMA ).
Over the last two years , the Joint Task Force Concept has been developed and trained through an exercise series , making EUROCORPS compatible with the NATO
JTF Concept . EUROCORPS is thus ready to adapt to recent NATO Wales Summit declarations concerning the VJTF Concept .
What is more , the ratification of the Treaty of Strasbourg has granted EUROCORPS full legal and financial autonomy . It is in fact the only unit with such a status , which provides both flexibility and reactivity .
Finally , it is directly subordinated to a Common Committee composed of the Chiefs of Defence and the Political Directors of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Framework Nations , or their representatives , which facilitates the decision-making process .
The Near Future : Thinking Outside the Box
The integration of Poland as EUROCORPS Framework Nation , which will be completed by January 2016 , is a unique opportunity to be seized , especially in the context of the current restructuring process within NATO ’ s command structure .
Latest developments include first and foremost the renewal of its Concept of Employment , which aligns EUROCORPS in the direction of the European Union military and political structures , while maintaining close cooperation with NATO , through Land Command Izmir and the other corps-level sister headquarters .
As proof and confirmation of its continuous development , EUROCORPS has been designated as EUBG Mission Headquarters for a stand-by period in the second half of 2016 . This means that an interesting and challenging preparation phase will start soon .
Last but not least , EUROCORPS has just been designated to deploy part of its personnel to the future EUTM MALI EU mission headquarters as of summer 2015 .
More than ever , modularity and multiplicity are the key factors on which current and future missions rely .
A Unique Feature : Multinational in Every Sense
EUROCORPS is a genuine symbol of the French-German reconciliation while remaining open to other nations . In a sense , it is a perfect example of both NATO ’ s and the EU ’ s concept of “ pooling and sharing ”. Since 1996 , the Framework Nations share responsibilities and burdens on an equal basis . The four Associated Nations have also assigned personnel to the Staff .