True Interoperability Challenge
By Col . Paul Romagnoli ( USA )
NATO is the greatest alliance in the history of the world . Our strength lies in our diversity of cultures and world perspectives . Unfortunately , our strength does not carry over to communication & information systems ( CIS ) interoperability . Those differences in not allowing us to communicate effectively across our formations at different echelons of command are preventing NATO from reaching its full potential .
This is especially true during contingency operations . For NATO to pull together a multinational force in a short period of time will be a challenge since not all of our communications systems seamlessly communicate with each other . The long term goal is to develop a communications infrastructure that is plug and play , where at a moment ’ s notice , the alliance can pull together a multi-national force of different capabilities . Imagine a Turkish headquarter with Spanish , French , and German subordinate units completely interoperable so the Commander may execute mission command effectively without any delay that a lack of CIS interoperability may impose .
So , what does CIS interoperability mean ? LANDCOM believes that at minimum it comes down to four aspects . First , whatever common operational picture ( COP ) a nation is using , it must be able to populate its higher headquarters COP automatically . Meaning that when a change occurs on a national system , it automatically updates the higher headquarters COP without any human interaction , such as a file transfer or manual input of data . This will ensure that commanders at all levels have the same operational picture within a clearly defined operational area . Not having a common operational picture hinders the commander ’ s ability to effectively execute mission command .
Second , CIS interoperability must include secure tactical radios . This enables tactical level units to communicate with each other while manoeuvring . This is especially important along a friendly unit ’ s flank up against another friendly unit from a different country . Lacking the inability to communicate securely may create a seam that can be exploited by an adversarial unit .
Third , nations must employ Friendly Force Tracking ( FFT ) systems and they must populate each other . It is an understatement to say that the battle