The Evolution of Information forms named Out of Barracks Information System ( OBIS ) and In Barracks Information System ( IBIS ).
“ I find the way that ARRC uses SharePoint quite original as there are multiple scenarios for usage ( OBIS and IBIS ) of the same data ,” said Steve Jeffery , Premier Field Engineer , at Microsoft UK .“ This was something we took into account when designing and developing the page with the IMs as we had to account for unknown bandwith and device sizes . With this in mind , we developed the page in a way that it would ‘ flex ’ or ‘ respond ’ to the screen size , whilst maintaining an optimal user experience .”
Both web-based platforms were designed and built from the software SharePoint 10 . The separation of IBIS and OBIS allowed websites to reflect the different nature of operations and allowed OBIS to support Mission Secret if necessary . The challenge for the IM cell was to build the revised IBIS and OBIS IM systems to full operating capability in time for Exercise ARRCADE FUSION 14 , and be routine by the ARRC ’ s Joint Task Force Headquarters certification exercise TRIDENT JAGUAR 15 .
User Focused , Collaboratively Built
Sharepoint is an extremely powerful tool , but at the time was only being utilised at a basic level . The IM Team began by changing coding and architecture in order to enable the full range of Sharepoint capabilities for the user .
Following Branch consultation and collaboration , the team then put a plan into place creating Branch landing pages with a generic format and essential Branch specific tools readily visible . The page hwwvad to be interactive and intuitive to accelerate users to take up whilst increasing speed and efficiency in the access , use and sharing of information .
With these new web platforms created , the IM team started transitioning the branches on the IBIS . One simple principle was maintained : keep all information accessible within three clicks ( from the IBIS homepage ), easy on the
eye and easy to navigate . The intricacies of the SharePoint 10 software were quick to learn and the team was easily editing and enabling text , colours , size , and shape per page .
With exercise FUSION 14 approaching , there was pressure to complete and test the new landing pages . This was achieved by working collaboratively with the functional staff branches in order to set up and customize their operating environment . IBIS and OBIS systems were up and running ahead of time , tested the week before FUSION 14 .
Rapid Application Development
Concurrently , the supporting IM Policy and Standing Operating Instructions were published and briefed to the staff from the Command Group . Having built the IM framework on IBIS and OBIS , the branches still faced the task of migrating significant amounts of documentation under the correct naming convention and storing them in the correct places .
Prior to SHAPE ’ s external moderating team arriving , every page was scrutinized . Ideas and improvements were put into place . At the end of this exercise , the SHAPE Eval team considered HQ ARRC Electronic Working Practices ( EWP ) as “ Best practice ,” and OBIS as the best Information System they had seen in NATO . Green in all respects of Information Management , the ARRC achieved a remarkable step change in one year from 2013 to the end of 2014 .
Key Considerations
Steve Jeffery offered these key considerations when beginning a similar IM project :
��������������������������������� the platform is used
�� ��������� ���� ����������� ������ and device size
��������������������������������ers need is in the most obvious and accessible location
The IM team will maintain the tempo into 2015 , with regular maintenance of the websites and a continuous schedule of training users at all levels in preparation to TRIDENT JAGUAR 15 , maintaining an ethos for smart evolution .