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MNC NE Takes a New Course

By MNC NE Public Affairs Office

Headquarters Multinational Corps Northeast ( HQ MNC NE ) is currently undergoing significant changes . HQ MNC NE will transform from Forces of Lower Readiness to Forces of High Readiness in order to support NATO collective defence activities related to the regional security challenges .

HQ MNC NE will contribute to NATO prevention of insecurity , deterrence of aggression and demonstration of preparedness to defend NATO territory . Thus , HQ MNC NE will play a more visible role in NATO ’ s NE Region in the future .
From its very beginning , the motto of MNC NE has been : “ NATO Corps of the
SACEUR , durıng a recent visit to MNC NE
Baltic Region – In the spirit of Integration ”. MNC NE was established in 1999 and situated Baltic Barracks in Szczecin , Poland .
The HQ MNC NE has had its primary focus on reaching Full Operational Capability as a Corps HQ ( obtained in 2006 ), the preparation for and contribution to the ISAF missions ( executed three times in 2007 , 2010 & 2014 ), and simultaneously on fulfilling its training obligations in north-eastern Europe .
As the Alliance worked with assurance and adaptation measures , the unique potential and geographical location of HQ MNC NE came into play and the three Framework Nations ( Denmark , Germany and Poland ) expressed their readiness to strengthen HQ MNC NE ’ s role in security in the NE Region .
As a Forces of Lower Readiness Headquarters , HQ MNC NE could only fully fit in with the Alliance ’ s plans if the readiness level was increased . The first signals concerning a possible raise of HQ MNC NE readiness level was sent in May 2014 . Since then the media has issued a lot of information about HQ MNC NE ’ s possible future role .
The final decision was taken during the NATO Summit in Wales on 4-5 September 2014 . A Trilateral Statement outlining the way ahead for HQ MNC NE was officially signed by the Ministers of Defence of the Corps ’ three Framework Nations .
The Trilateral Statement aimed at supporting the implementation of NATO ’ s Assurance and Adaptation Measures in the NE Region of the Alliance and mentioned mid 2015 as deadline for up – manning of HQ MNC NE in order to generate a solid foundation for the headquarters transformation onto a High Readiness Forces Headquarters .
In order to meet the new course HQ MNC NE is undergoing a transformation including various modifications of structure , procedures , infrastructure , logistics and personnel . All these changes determine the way to transform the current structure in a way that will allow HQ MNC NE to take on new tasks .
The first changes will become apparent in mid-2015 , when the new personnel , whose number is almost to double , start filling new posts in HQ MNC NE .
Currently , the Corps consists of fourteen nations , including one non-