The Foundation of Military Cooperation
Members of the 28th Mechanized Infantry Battalion conduct MEDEVAC operations at the Zarka Training Area just outside of Amman , Jordan
rations between nations and thus , a top priority for Allied Land Command . During 2014 alone , Mil Coop conducted numerous evaluations to nations like Jordan , Moldova , Azerbaijan , Armenia , Georgia , Serbia , Montenegro , Bosnia & Herzegovina , and Finland as well as deployed Mobile Training Teams to both Armenia and Serbia . In 2015 , the level of ambition is raised as over 23 events to 11 different countries are planned throughout the year .
Recently , members from the Mil Coop Division in conjuncture with Allied Land Command ’ s G5 Plans Team deployed a Mobile Training Team to Belgrade , Serbia to instruct participants on NATO ’ s Operational Planning Process . During this week long event , LANDCOM ’ s team instructed over 25 members of the Serbian Armed Forces on the combined efforts of NATO planning , as well as shared operational experiences with their counterparts . As joint , multinational operations begin to decrease as the alliance transitions out of ISAF , the opportunity to come together becomes more and more limited . This conjunction of aligned military organizations continues to allow for the sustainment of interoperability to prosper throughout the ranks , a key component for both NATO and partnered nations . These courses , as well as the intermixture of lessons learned over the last decade from an experienced force , allow for nations to continue learning from each other as we transition from a combat to garrison environment . The value of these Mobile Training Teams and workshops cannot be underestimated and is felt throughout Allied Land Command as plans are being made to conduct 7 more in 2015 .
Another aspect of interoperability occurs in the first stage of the Operational Capability Concepts Evaluation and Feedback process ( OCC E & F ). The Mil Coop Branch consistently works with various Partner frameworks and recently had the
LTC Emin Hasanov ( AZB ), SGM Jesus Palacios ( ESP ), and members of the Jordanian Army over watch a Cordon and Search at the Zarka Training Area just outside Amman , Jordan opportunity to advise the Jordanian Military as NATO monitors , working with the unit ’ s evaluators to ensuring proper assessment of NATO standards was being conducted . This assessment focused on the interoperability of the unit , the first step in successfully operating and contributing within an alliance . As a unit demonstrates its abilities to adhere to NATO standards , the OCC E & F process continues through a 4 step evaluation process to confirm the units ’ readiness for future operations alongside NATO members . The first 2 steps of this evaluation focuses on the interoperability of the unit while the final 2 steps judge the units ’ capabilities . This process is fundamental on developing and maintaining interoperability between NATO , partnered , and other various nations that look to join future coalitions .
As future training opportunities continue to present themselves , Allied Land Command ’ s Mil Coop Branch together with other LC divisions looks forward to educating , mentoring , and assisting in the evaluation of NATO Partner nations . Looking at past engagements , NATO can confirm that interoperability remains vital to the success of our operations and that standards remain the benchmark for a prosperous future . These standards , as well as the coming together of joint , multinational training events , will allow for a more secure , successful , and effective future .