FALL 2020
The Land Forces will continue to evolve so that they should able to carry out joint operations and to use combat systems in a comprehensive manner .
Armament and materiel of the Land Forces will be developed taking into account the gained combat experience , requirements of high mobility of units , independence of their actions and long-range fire engagement of enemy with precision guided weapons , with missile and artillery troops being their main carriers .
The main objective of the Land Forces Command will be force generation . For that purpose the HQ and the Training Command ( similarly to TRADOC ) will be established within the Land Forces Command .
The Training Command ( TRADOC ) area of responsibility will include :
development and implementation of doctrines , manuals , standards of training ; analysis of military experience and combat training ; leading of training centers , centers of units training , equipped with training simulators , training fields ; training of troops and staffs , impartial assessment of its results .
In addition , the Land Forces will form the basis of the state territorial defence to ensure its functioning both in peaceful time and in a war conditions .
The Land Forces strength will amount up to 50 % of strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine .
The optimization of the Land Forces strength will be carried out without reducing the combat capabilities of military units .
The operational ( regional ) commands ’ areas of responsibility will be specified with respect to threats to Ukraine ’ s national security . Operational ( regional ) commands will be in charge of the territorial defence , mobilization and reserve training within its area of their responsibility . In addition , the training process will ensure the capability to provide C2 of the subordinate and adjusted forces and means in a certain operational area , depending on the military-strategic situation .
All general military Brigades will be units with permanents combat readiness , will be manned by trained personnel , supplied by armament and military equipment .
In order to increase the manoeuvrability of combat Brigades the optimization of units , their logistic support will be conducted in account with clarified scales of echeloning of their storages of material and technical assets and ammunition , ensured readiness of Reserve Corps to fulfil the tasks , which manned by personnel from operational reserve and supported with all types of armament and military equipment , stores of material and technical assets and ammunition .
In the medium and long term perspective the number of combat support units and as well as the number of educational institutions personnel will be optimized . Also , in the Land Forces there two centers of interdepartmental training ( in Starychi and Shyrokyi Lan ) will be functioning .
In total , the Land Forces will consist of :
Operational Commands with subordinate Brigades , Regiments and support units , required to carry out an assigned tasks ; Territorial Defence Brigades — for carrying out tasks beyond the area of operation ; Reserve Corps ; Higher military educational institutions ; Training centers ( training schools ); Centers of troops training ( including interdepartmental ) Training fields ( ranges ).
(*) Vision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine . Ministry of Defence of Ukraine ( 2020 ) https :// www . mil . gov . ua / en / news / 2020 / 01 / 11 / the-vision-of-the-armed-forces-of-ukraine /
Source : https :// defense-reforms . in . ua / en / 09