FALL 2020



Russia ’ s 2014 incursion into the Crimean

Peninsula and later the Donbass region of Ukraine marked the beginning of a conflict that has since claimed the lives of over 10,000 civilians and displaced 1.5 million . 1 While the conflict is largely considered a stalemate today , shelling and skirmishes continue there on a regular basis .
In January of this year , Ukraine published its vision for their Armed Forces , a document years in the making . Their principal objective in reforming their armed forces is to have all key functions of their defence forces transitioned to NATO standards . This vision is part of a reform initiative outlined in their three strategic planning documents including their National Security Strategy , Military Doctrine of Ukraine , and Strategic Defence Bulletin .
Then in June , recognised Ukraine as an Enhanced Opportunities Partner . 2 This status is part of NATO ’ s Partnership Interoperability Initiative , which aims to maintain and deepen cooperation between Allies and partners that have made significant contributions to NATO-led operations and missions .
As an Enhanced Opportunities Partner , Ukraine will benefit from tailor-made opportunities to help sustain such contributions . This includes enhanced access to interoperability programmes and exercises , and more sharing of information , including lessons learned .
Ukraine is now one of six Enhanced Opportunities Partners , alongside Australia , Finland , Georgia , Jordan and Sweden . Each of the partners has a tailor-made relationship with NATO , based on areas of mutual interest . LC
( 1 ) Global Conflict Tracker , Ukraine . Council on Foreign Relations ( 2018 ), https :// www . cfr . org / interactive / global-conflict-tracker / conflict / conflict-ukraine
( 2 ) https :// www . nato . int / cps / en / natohq / news _ 176327 . htm ? selectedLocale = en