FALL 2020




In May LANDCOM hosted the annual NATO Land Logistic Conference . This was a rare opportunity for the NATO logistic community to discuss policy changes , engage in strategic considerations , and discuss new direction and guidance for logistic planning across NATO . Due to the COVID-19 pandemic , the conference had to be rescheduled at short notice as international travel became impossible .

Undeterred , the G4 Division at LANDCOM initiated a robust contingency plan and the two day conference was able to go ahead via VTC , with maximum attendance from all possible participants . The conference , held over two days , was deconflicted against the low manning priorities set by the pandemic response , while still allowing for comprehensive discussions and presentations from a dozen guest speakers .
Day One The first day commenced with a welcoming address by Polish Brigadier General Stanislaw Kaczyński , LANDCOM Deputy Chief of Staff for Support , with an update on the Log C2 concept and
By British Army Captain Gary MILLEN , LANDCOM G4
Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area ( DDA ). The first speaker , Brigadier General Theirry Poulette , who is the SHAPE Assistant Chief of Staff for J4 , provided an update on the current status of major work-strands in SHAPE , the leading role SHAPE J4 was playing in developing a portfolio of various tasks as Enablement of SACEUR ’ s AOR , Rapid Air Mobility , and fuel related issues .
Covering substantial concepts for NATO logistic planning , these speakers were able to emphasise the significant points to the 40-50 personnel in attendance from across multiple locations . This ensured a fully holistic understanding and a ‘ cross brief ’ to anticipate future timings of target developments .
Day one came to a close with a presentation on NATO logistic training , the objectives for the upcoming Exercises STEADFAST DEFENDER 21 and TRIDENT JUPITER 21 , followed by a closing address from Spanish Army Colonel Jose Moscoso , LANDCOM Assistant Chief of Staff , G4 .
Day Two LANDCOM took the reins for the topics of discussion on the second day of the conference , with a back-brief to SHAPE and Joint Logistics Support Group ( JLSG ) on the LANDCOM G4 understanding of the Theatre Land Component ( TLC ). Lieutenant Colonel Carsten Junker detailed the concept of TLC from the perspective of NCS-Adaptation . He outlined the G4 Division ’ s mission and tasks , specifying which remain unchanged in the TLC role .
The NATO Support and Procurement Agency ( NSPA ) representative based at LANDCOM , Mr . Alpay Aslan , presented