be heavily involved . Fires , Sustainment ( Logistics , Medical , Personnel ), and Engineers all have large parts to play in both the functional and combined arms rehearsal . Specialty staff like the Communications Division and G9 must be involved when their functional area has a large impact on the outcome of the operation . The G3 and G2 are the primary staff officers who will arrange and direct the Combined Arms Rehearsal on behalf of the Deputy Chief of Staff ( DCOS ) for Operations , COS and COM . They also share the responsibility for the Intel / Fires rehearsal where dedicated functional experts
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ensure that intelligence requirements and focus of fires are synchronized and complementary between the Corps and the MCLCC efforts . DCOS Support and the G4 take the lead for the Sustainment rehearsal supported by the G3 and G2 who provide the friendly and adversary manouvre context . In each event , the G2 portrays the enemy forces , actions and other environmental variables in line with either the most likely or dangerous course of action as directed by the COS or COM . The G3 frames manouvre and in this case the MCLCC level actions in support of the Corps before each Corps Commander ( or designated representative ) described their actions while physically moving their forces on the terrain model .
The designated LANDCOM recorders catalogued both discussion and potential modifications to the plan / OPORD as the ROC Drill progressed . After the final read back and confirmation by the COM , G3 can then publish an updated OPORD , Decision Support Matrix , and Synchronization Matrix as required .
Conclusion A properly executed rehearsal or series of rehearsals is as important as delivering a reasonably well thought out plan in the first place . These events serve to validate the plan , allow leaders across multiple echelons to share a common visualization and focus their efforts on potential friction points , and provide the Commander with a final opportunity to ensure his intent is driving flexible , agile subordinate plans and action . ROC Drills are clearly a mission command tool that the NATO Alliance must leverage in the land domain to ensure future success in any operation from deterrence through defence . LC