MAGAZINE core business of maintaining a credible armoured force , particularly given the financial conditions imposed on many NATO armies .
What is to be done ? Conclusions . To protect the Alliance ’ s interests and values , we must deter our potential adversaries . To deter , we must be credible . To be credible , NATO must field a credible armoured capability within an enabled and robust combined arms ORBAT . Europe should not expect the U . S . to underwrite its security , particularly given the challenges posed by the rise of China . Emphasising grey zone competition sees us venturing onto a conceptual battlefield defined by Russia , China , Iran and others , developed by them to counter Western superiority in the traditional domains . Ceding ground in the traditional domains to contest a space in which the West starts at a disadvantage is a risky strategy . An army ’ s unique selling-point ( versus other instruments of state power ) is its ability to survive in a contested land environment and deliver lethal force . Armour is central to this pitch . If we never have to use it , armour will have done its job : So much of its value lies in its deterrent effect . And if we do , having armour will save lives and deliver victory .
Postscript : A warning from recent history . There are clear chains of causality that link the Great Recession of 2008-09 to the many security crises that followed , not least the Russian invasion of the Ukraine in 2014 . Even now , the unforeseen consequences of the
FALL 2020
COVID-crisis are being felt , and the moment will resonate long into the future . The rivalry with China has likely entered a new , more dangerous
eFP Latvia “ LEOPARD 2 ” “ CHALLENGER ” & “ PT-91 “ battle tanks
phase , and hastened the emergence of the Russia-China axis . Post-COVID , many European member-states will both be poorer and less safe . We ought to spend more money on defence , but there will be less money to do so . During this time , we must resist the temptation to cut expensive heavy formations and exploit the fact that borrowing costs remain at historic lows . Investment in defence generally – and armour specifically – will yield a return much sooner than we think . LC
53 eFP Latvia “ LEOPARD 2 ” “ CHALLENGER ” & “ PT-91 ” battle tanks