FALL 2020
CONCLUSION Over the last few years as major operations in Afghanistan have drawn down , there has been an increasing concern about the importance of Air Land Integration . The threat is now much broader and takes in a much more difficult range of threats across many more domains . Exercise participation by the ARRC GLE has gone some way to address this through betterment in understanding and thus a more active and beneficial contribution made to seminars and shared experience at conferences . AIRCOM , as the unique reference for NATO Air power , offers us clear guidelines about how the GLE members must integrate with them . It is also clearly understood what kind of input and information is needed , and in which Division or Cell these must arrive and when . This sets the ATO planning cycle off for the best chance of success . On the other side of the coin , we find a number of HRF corps with differing views about the central importance and role of a GLE and the effort that has to be dedicated to man , educate and train . This is essential as the ARRC ’ s mission success is based on the mutual knowledge and the trust gained over many years of persistent engagement with the air force , and increasingly with experts in the other domains . LC