FALL 2020 which is especially applicable to air forces with their fundamental reliance on top-end technology . It focused on a major campaign against a fictitious but believable near-peer enemy of NATO . It continued the adjustment of focus away from counter-insurgency operations to large-scale warfighting with the very different constraints , risks and restrictions that would characterise such conflicts .
EXERCISE TRIDENT JUPITER 19-1 Exercise TRIDENT JUPITER , which was held in November 2019 , was the biggest ever computer driven Command Post Exercise conducted by NATO . It brought together the component commands of the NATO Response Force ( NRF ) 2020 , Naval Striking Support Forces NATO ( STRIKFORNATO ), and multiple Nations to promote military interoperability and hone joint warfighting skills through realistic training from headquarters locations all over Europe to ships operating in the Mediterranean . It was the first time the GLE team consisted of members from other corps ’ together with the highly professional United States 19th Battlefield Coordination Detachment fully integrated together as army personnel , as well as then with the JFAC air force staff .
includes the other previously mentioned components is nothin new but does reflect increasingly contemporary reality ; to recognise other dimensions at play including cyber , space and the power and range of information . The role of the GLE becomes even more relevant with the rapid and continuous integration of capabilities necessary in all domains , the electromagnetic spectrum ( EMS ) and the information environment .
EXERCISE RAAM 19 The 2019 RAAM 19 was deliberately orientated by the AIRCOM Deputy Commander in this contemporary operational thinking ,
Over a concentrated two-week period working in close proximity , we learned a huge amount from each other and revised and improved our internal way of working , while at the same time providing our best support possible to the Eurocorps Commander who was the army commander for the exercise .
A general paucity of NATO GLE permanent staff and possible future scenarios where NATO forces may work closely alongside United States armed forces both in their NATO and National roles , makes this kind of integration both a great experience and fundamental to foster good relations as the launch point for future engagements .