FALL 2020

LANDCOM Land Staff

Talks with Georgia


Round Two

By Romanian Army Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel MOT , LANDCOM G2


September 1-2 , 2020 ,
Allied Land Command conducted its second iteration of land staff talks with the Republic of Georgia Defence Forces at their Ministry of Defence headquarters in their capitol city of Tbilisi . LANDCOM ’ s new commander , Lieutenant General Roger L . Cloutier Jr . led the delegation .
As a prioritized NATO Partner , Georgia is a substantial contributor to NATO-led operations and the NATO Response Force ( NRF ). Georgia continues to support NATO ’ s Resolute Support Mission ( RSM ) without national caveats , remains the largest non-NATO per capita troop contributing nation , and is one of the largest overall troop contributing nations overall . Georgia has deployed around 850 personnel on a six to seven month rotational basis to RSM since it transitioned from the International Security Assistance Force ( ISAF ) mission in 2014 . They first began contributing to ISAF in 2004 . In addition , Georgia has continued to participate in the NRF with one light infantry company .
LANDCOM ’ s Continuing Role The triennial conduct of the NATO-Georgia Exercise ( NAGE ) implements one of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package ( SNGP ) initiatives , which aims to strengthen Georgia ’ s defence capabilities and ensure that Georgia maintains and further improves its interoperability with the Alliance . As a result of NATO Command Structure Adaptation ( NCS-A ), SHAPE has taken full responsibility for future iterations , including the next NATO-Georgia Exercise